WORD: Table of Contents with latin numeration



If have got a document dividedin sections. The first sections use
latin page numbering and the rest normal arabic numbering. For each
section this is working all fine.

The only trouble appears when I create the TOC. The reference to the
page numbers of those sections that use latin page numbering appears
with arabic numbering. THe example will surely clarify the problem:

It appears as

Table of contents..................................2
Foreword ...................................4
Summary ...........................................5
1 Introduction ...........................1
2 Principle of optical communications ...2
2.1 Origin of optical communications ...3
2.2 Advantages and limitations ................12

It you appear as

Table of contents..................................ii
Foreword ...................................iv
Summary ...........................................v
1 Introduction ...........................1
2 Principle of optical communications ...2
2.1 Origin of optical communications ...3
2.2 Advantages and limitations ................12

Any Ideas on how to do this?????


Daiya Mitchell

Yes...there's a fix to this, which I can't remember. Word does it
automatically for me.

Toggle Field Codes on (via right-click, control-click or Opt-F9). What is
the exact code for the TOC?

For the page numbers in the front matter, how did you make them latin? Did
you use Format | Page Number or did you use a switch on the page field? (I
think using a switch instead of Format Page Number will cause this). What is
the field code for those page numbers?


You can always create a new TOC style for only those latin numbers, although
there probably is a more elegant way.

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