2000 sp3 install



I am trying to install Office 2000 Service Pack 3 - English version.

The first few times I tried it hung forever. I let it run alomost four
hours. Disk appeared to be busy but it did not progress. Cancel did not work
and I was forced to reset.

I disabled GoBack and removed viruse sofware, I also checked and removed
some skyware. I tried installation again. It ran for about 20 minutes and
failed on its own.

OS is Win 98 (not SE)

Any Ideas what else I can try. should I try a reinstall? Do I need to
unistall first?


Hi, Mickey,

Welcome to the Club of SP 3 Unsuccessful installers. At least you got into
20 min. of installation. I have read hundreds of threads with the same
problem and have tried a few tricks I read. to no avail. I guess my next try
will be to ask for a CD just as others have done. Try it.

Read the threads on office, o exp, and in general serv. pack 3, you will
learn a lot. I know I have. Good luck By the way, were you successful after
you posted in 10-04

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