Access database needs frequent repair



For several weeks we have been experiencing intermittent problems with our
Access database. We'll be problem free for a week or so and then have
multiple issue's with it needing repair. Yesterday we received the following
error message 6 times and twice so far today.

....mdb needs to be repaired or isnt' a database file. You or another user
may have unexpectedly quit Microsoft Access while a Microsoft Access database
was open. Do you want Microsoft Access to attempt to repair the database?

I cannot find any rhyme or reason as to why it is happening or any common
denominator in it all.

Our pc's are running Access 2003 SP2 and Access 2002 SP2 in a mixed Windows
2000 and XP environment.

Also we have a wireless router on the network.

Any idea's or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Just a wild guess, but it's possible that one of your users who is
connecting wirelessly is having their connection dropped in the midst of
editing a record, causing the corruption...


My hunch has been that it has to do with the wireless router as the problem
seems to have gotten worse since the wireless router was hooked up. However,
that user does not edit records. He basically uses it for read-only
purposes. Also, it really only seems to be affected one of our major
databases (we have 2).


I honestly don't know, but is this user viewing the data through editable
forms on the problematic db? If so, perhaps record locking is affecting it?


We have two nearly identical databases and I'm pretty sure we've disabled the
ability to edit on them. I'm really an Access novice, so I'm not sure if
record locking is affecting it (or what record locking is for that matter).

Thanks very much for your help.


Yes, the database is split. I will show your link to our system
administrator and see what he thinks.

If it does have to do with the wireless router connection, might you have
any ideas why it's affecting the one database and not the other?


Albert D.Kallal

The problem is one quick and minor cut in the connection, and you have
pieces of the file in the computers memory..and they will NOT make it back
to the server.
If it does have to do with the wireless router connection, might you have
any ideas why it's affecting the one database and not the other?

luck of the draw...perhaps one database is MUCH more intensive then the
other one?

Remember, this is much like a the max RPM on a car. A car might be rated at
7000 rpm max, but you really can't run the car at that max rate all day

So, a larger, and heaver load on the network is going to increase the
chances of a corruption....... (hence, perhaps one applation is closer to
the limits of what the network bandwidth is..and thus increases the chance
of failure).

Tony Toews

Curious1975 said:
Also we have a wireless router on the network.

As others have stated wireless routers and Access do not work well

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Thank you all for you help and suggestions. I will have the network admin.
take a look at the wireless connection when he returns to the office.


As I said, I'm an Access novice, but I am noticing that even when I have all
users exit out of the database before we begin the repair, the .ldb file
remains. I have to delete that file prior to reparing. In the past, the
..ldb file would disappear on its own. Do you think this is indicative of

Douglas J Steele

Do all of your users have Delete permission on the folder where the MDB

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