Apply weekly view to daily view


Rhys Davies

Im looking to set up public calendars at the place that i work so that
employees can enter where they are going to be for the week and everyone can
access it. However becasue there are so many employees the day in a 7 day
view obviously cant show all of the employees and you have to click on the
button which takes you to the daily view. What i would like is when a user
clicks on that button that either it expands that day in the 7 day view to
show all employees and times and their location in that same format
09:00 17:00 Rhys Davies (Cardiff Office)
09:00 16:00 Gari Williams (Swansea Office)
and displays all others in this format all the way down the page.

The daily format is no good because it works across the page and cant
display all employees properly as a result.

Is this possible?



Judy Gleeson MVP Outlook

If you have 2002 or 2003 there are Group Schedules that enable you to see
a hundred people's Calendars.

If they all use Outlook Calendaring, meybe that's what you should use - it
shows live data from each user's calendar.

Judy Gleeson [MVP Outlook]
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!

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