Autocorrect in an interactive template



Is it possible to run autocorrect in a word template after its
formfields are populated from a userform? I have been experimenting
with the autocorrect object in word vba and I haven't been able to get
it to do what I would like.

What I am specifically trying to do is when a user types a word into a
text box on a userform that word will be "autocorrected" when that word
is applied to the formfield of the template. For example if the user
types sos in a textbox, then it the formfield displays secretary of
state in that formfield on the template. I have added this particular
entry to autocorrect in word and it works if you type it in manually,
but the trick is applying the same feature when the document is filled
in through a userform.

Thanks in advance.

Charles Kenyon

No, but you can have your UserForm search for a corresponding AutoCorrect
entry and insert it in place of what is typed, I suppose.
Charles Kenyon

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Thanks, I kind of figured that was my only option. I was hoping it
could use the existing text-replace library in autocorrect. You know
it's funny, because the reason why this user wanted this is because
they could get this kind of functionality out of Word Perfect 6. That's
an old program. I wonder why Microsoft hasn't been able to do this.

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