Avg function on option buttons




I am stuck with avg function on option buttons. Any suggestion/help is
greatly appreciated.
To be clear and specific, I have a section where I have option buttons on
various skills proficency. Example:- for Software proficiency I have
Microsoft Infopath 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
Front page 1 2 3 4 N/A
Java 1 2 3 4 N/A
The values 1 2 3 4 and N/A are all option buttons (N/A being null), and I
have a average value text box for this category.

Similarly, I have options buttons for softskills proficiency

My average proficency of each category, say software skills is the average
of the proficency in the software category skills.

My average text box should be populated with the average value as I select
each value. For example : if I select 1 for Microsoft Path, the average value
should be 1 and as soon as I select say 3 for front page, the average value
should compute (1+3)/2 and display the value 2 and so on.

I am not able to achieve this what so ever...even after reading tons of info
on help.

I greatly appreciate any help coming my way.

Thanks in Advance.

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