Big White space in my document, can't get rid of it!



Someone sent me their meeting minutes that I need to print out.
I have Word 2003.
There is no header or footer on this document.
At the top is the title, then the name of the meeting and date
then there is a huge white space and the minutes start on the next page.
I've received minutes from this person and others but this didn't happen.
I've tried page set up and making sure it says "continuous" there, tried
format/paragraph and unchecked everything there, clicked on the paragraph
thingie and just see paragraph marks where they should be.
I've done what help said to do to remove breaks, but nothing helps.
What's left? <sigh> Word can be so unfriendly :(

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

If there is not a manual page break between the title and the first text
paragraph, then delete the manual page break. Switching to Normal view
may help you to see this better.

Triple-click on the paragraph at the top of the second page. Click on
Format | Paragraph | Line and Page Breaks tab | uncheck the boxes for
"Keep lines together", "Keep with next", and "Page break before" | OK.


When I change to normal view, the 2nd page appears to be on the first page
under the title, etc. There is a fine dotted line at the top of the 2nd page,
but I can't click on it or select it.
I've tried clicking in the paragraph below the line and going to page setup
and picking "continuous" but that didn't do anything.

I've unchecked all the boxes in format (keep lines together, etc) but it
doesn't help.

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

In Normal view, you should be able to click on the fine dotted line
(which should say Page Break or Section Break in the middle of it) and
then press the Delete key to delete it.


The dotted line doesn't say anything on it anywhere. I cannot click on it.
When I try I either end up with an insertion point above it or below it. I
can't seem to get rid of it.
I finally gave up and copied all the info from the document and put it into
a new document, where it looks just fine.
Darned if I know what they did to do this <sigh>
I went to an old Minutes and looked at the page setup and the
format/paragraph and it all says the same thing.
I just have no clue.
Thanks for trying to help me!! I do appreciate it.

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Glad you got it to work. For what it's worth, if the fine dotted line
doesn't say Page Break or Section Break in the middle of it, then to me
that means the paragraph following the fine dotted line must be
formatted with "Page break before".

Suzanne S. Barnhill

No, it doesn't. It just indicates a soft page break. My guess is that every
row in the table was formatted as "Keep with next."

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