Bulk Database Refresh multiple Visio Drawings?

  • Thread starter Phillip R. Olstein
  • Start date

Phillip R. Olstein

Step 1) Have the url hyperlink on a Visio Shape be from a field in a

Already done. I can open access and change a value in a field, then
go to Visio, refresh database, and save as a web page.

Step 2) Now, I want to start cranking out network diagrams, using this

How can I code something to go through a directory of Visio drawings,
open each drawing, refresh the database, save drawing, and save as a
web page?

I plan on coding in VB6 if it helps. I can handle going through a
folder easily enough, but I'm not farmiliar with Visio's VBA library.

Thanks for any help!


Phillip R. Olstein

It occurs to me, I can Visio do the refresh database on opening the
drawing. So the code should be open diagram, save, save to web page.

I found the references, including a savetoweb reference - still
working on opening a drawing - I'm getting activex errors now.

Phillip R. Olstein

Sorry to be replying to myself, but after finding this code from many
people in this group, I now have this:

Dim strFilePath As String
Dim strWebFilePath As String

Dim appVisio As Visio.Application
Dim docsObj As Visio.Documents
Dim docObj As Visio.Document

Dim vsoSaveAsWeb As VisSaveAsWeb
Dim vsoWebSettings As VisWebPageSettings

strFilePath = "C:\Test.vsd"
strWebFilePath = "C:\Test.htm"

Set appVisio = New Visio.Application
Set appVisio = GetObject(, "visio.application")
Set docsObj = appVisio.Documents
Set docObj = docsObj.Open(strFilePath)

docObj.Application.AlertResponse = 1
docObj.Application.Addons("Database Refresh").Run ""

Set vsoSaveAsWeb = appVisio.Application.SaveAsWebObject
Set vsoWebSettings = vsoSaveAsWeb.WebPageSettings

With vsoWebSettings
.StartPage = 1
.EndPage = 2
.QuietMode = True
.TargetPath = strWebFilePath
End With



Now I just need to open the drawings hidden, and write a routine to go
through all the visio drawings in a folder.

Anyone want to point out the un-needed lines?

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