Bullet problem when trying to indent a bullet



I can't seem to figure out what I did!

When I use a bullet on my document, and want the bullet underneath it to be
tabbed (indented) in, the bullet will not move, but the CURSOR will tab
(indent) in but leaving the bullet in its original position at the left

This occured spontaneously one day, so I assume I did a key stroke sequence
to cause it, but have no clue where to go to correct it (and i've tried!).

Any help is appreciated because manually clicking on the "increase indent"
button is really annoying every time I want to tab in a bullet.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

In Word 2000 and earlier, check the box for "Tabs and backspace set left
indent" on the Edit tab of Tools | Options.

In Word 2002 and 2003, check the box for "Set first- and left-indent with
tabs and backspaces" on the AutoFormat As You Type tab of Tools |
AutoCorrect Options.

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