Calendar Events - Time Problem


Rudy Kohut

The problem is that my calendar events show up in the Calendar view 1 hour
later than they are scheduled. If I open up an event, the correct time is
shown. This appears to only be happening for 1 week - March 27 - 31.

I am running Office 11.2.3, OS X 10.4.5.


Paul Berkowitz

The problem is that my calendar events show up in the Calendar view 1 hour
later than they are scheduled. If I open up an event, the correct time is
shown. This appears to only be happening for 1 week - March 27 - 31.

I am running Office 11.2.3, OS X 10.4.5.

Maybe somebody got winter/summer tome wrong for that week. When does yours
change? See what happens when you actually arrive at Mar. 27 - it might
suddenly right itself.

Also check the time zone for those events in the Event menu when you have
the event open. When you open the event does it show the right time with a
banner saying the time zone is wrong?

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <>
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PLEASE always state which version of Microsoft Office you are using -
**2004**, X or 2001. It's often impossible to answer your questions

Rudy Kohut

Thanks Paul

The banner "event and computer time zones do not match" is showing but both
are set to the same time zone. I think this is a special problem due to
extension of our local daylight savings time to allow for the Commonwealth
Games events that are just finishing here.

OS 10.4.5 was supposed to include a fix for this one off occurrence. The
system "Date & Time" preference shows the correct date and time so far. I
will see what happens tomorrow (27th).




You're right, Rudy - OS X did fix it, but Microsoft hasn't fixed it in
the Timezones file (found in the "Office" folder in the Microsoft
Office 2004 folder in Applications.

I've kludged it by changing the timezone definition, but I'm still
trying to find how to do it as a one-off rather than chainging the
recurrence rule.

Any pointers? Microsoft, are you listening (although by the time
something is released, it may be too late, anyway).



I've tried following the guidelines at
<> to get the Entourage
time zones fixed up, but it's still not working. My new definition is
below - can anyone help me with what I've done wrong?

TZID:Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
TZNAME:Standard Time
TZNAME:Standard Time
TZNAME:Standard Time
TZNAME:Daylight Savings Time

Julian W. Waits, Sr.

Thanks Paul

The banner "event and computer time zones do not match" is showing but both
are set to the same time zone. I think this is a special problem due to
extension of our local daylight savings time to allow for the Commonwealth
Games events that are just finishing here.

OS 10.4.5 was supposed to include a fix for this one off occurrence. The
system "Date & Time" preference shows the correct date and time so far. I
will see what happens tomorrow (27th).



I am experiencing the same problem in Washington, DC. I get the same banner
message every time I create a new calendar event even though my MacBook Pro
and Entourage are both set for Eastern Standard Time (EST). Everything
displays on my calendar correctly. New events even display correctly when I
create them for other time zones.

I am also running Tiger 10.4.5 and using the apple "Apple Americas/U.S.
(" to automatically set the time on my laptop.

This is not crucial since everything displays correctly, but it is annoying.



Paul Berkowitz

I am experiencing the same problem in Washington, DC. I get the same banner
message every time I create a new calendar event even though my MacBook Pro
and Entourage are both set for Eastern Standard Time (EST). Everything
displays on my calendar correctly. New events even display correctly when I
create them for other time zones.

I am also running Tiger 10.4.5 and using the apple "Apple Americas/U.S.
(" to automatically set the time on my laptop.

This is not crucial since everything displays correctly, but it is annoying.

You're making events to occur next week or later - in Daylight Savings Time
- but during Standard Time? I discovered a bug to do with that just for
tomorrow (actually, in Washington, that's now "today" - April 2) being the
first day of EDT when the time changes after the day begins. It's a one-day
business only - April 2 It happens again in October on the day Standard Time
returns. Are you getting it for any other day? Once the time changes at 2 AM
to Daylight Savings, I think you'll find it all fixes itself.

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <>

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PLEASE always state which version of Microsoft Office you are using -
**2004**, X or 2001. It's often impossible to answer your questions


I too have had the same problem. Unfortunately at 8:50 am it has not


Paul, I have two Macs exhibiting this same issue.

Both computers are running Mac OS 10.4.5 and MS Office has been update
to version 11.2.3 on both computers. Every event is showing the correc
time in Calendar Views but they all show the yellow warning banne
alerting that the Event and Computer timezones do not match.

This is the case for events scheduled before and after daylight saving
time took effect this morning here in New York. I have checked the Dat
and Time System Prefernces panel and it is set to New York - USA
Entourage is set for Eastern Time (USA & Canada). The timezone i
System Preferences is set for automatic via the Apple Time Server an
is showing up as EDT.

Also, as a users of all of your fantastic Sync Entourage scripts, wil
this affect synching with iCal

Paul Berkowitz

I too have had the same problem. Unfortunately at 8:50 am it has not

On my computer, the events that I made for this week before the time changed
still have that banner when you open the event, but in point of fact the
time displayed in the calendar and the time as shown in the event window are
now the same, and are correct on all counts.

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <>

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PLEASE always state which version of Microsoft Office you are using -
**2004**, X or 2001. It's often impossible to answer your questions


I am having the same banner problem whether I open an existing event or
if I attempt to create a new event. As previously noted, events
created prior to Sunday morning daylight savings time shift still
appear with their correct time listing.

I have PowerMac Quad G5 running OS 10.4.5 and MS Office updated to

When I first encountered the banner problem, I thought perhaps a
restart would address the problem since Entourage was opened prior to
the daylight savings time change, but it didn't help.

My Date & Time System Prefernces panel and it is set to Cupertino - USA
and Pacific Time (USA & Canada). Entourage is set for Eastern Time
(USA & Canada); Tijuana. The timezone in
System Preferences is set for automatic via the Apple Time Server and
is showing up as PDT.


I am running OS 10.4.5 on a Powerbook with MS Office 11.2.3. All of my
repeating appointments as well as any new appointments have the same
banner issue. All Date & Time prefs are set to Eastern Time as well as
automatic via Apple Time Server.

All appointments are showing up with the correct times however when I
open them up or add any new appointments (except for all-day) I have
the banner.

Restarts and rebuilds have not appeared to correct the issue.

Mickey Stevens

On my computer, there is no "Eastern Time (USA & Canada); Tijuana". I
imagine you actually want "Pacific Time (USA & Canada); Tijuana".

If you do see the erroneous entry in the list, it's possible your have a
corrupt Timezones file.
Insert the Office 2004 CD into your computer, and drag the file "Timezones,"
Microsoft Office 2004 CD/Microsoft Office X/Office/
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/

Choose to replace the existing when you are prompted, re-launch Entourage,
and all of the time zones should become available.


I am in India and I receive invites from people in UK. My timezone is
IST. we dont have daylight settings.

My even timings are not reflecting the daylight saving of one hour.

what should I do?

Moreover, my Date and Time shows local time but clok on the menu bar
shows different time. I tried to set time using and but its not coming back to local time.

can anyone help?


I am in India and I receive invites from people in UK. My timezone is
IST. we dont have daylight settings.

My event timings are not reflecting the daylight saving of one hour.

what should I do?

Moreover, my Date and Time shows local time but clok on the menu bar
shows different time. I tried to set time using and but its not coming back to local time.

can anyone help?

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