Can any one suggest a custom form to email component to do this--or whatwver


Edwin Hannan

Hi All..I hope someone can suggest a way for me to this

I'm back and in need of help..because I am getting nowhere fast with a
recent purchase of a suggested program
(because the program that I have paid for has not been delivered to me and I
cant hang around)

I have some tracking code on the confirmation page and The tracking code has
some javascript variables, one of which needs to be assigned a value of the
clients email address (which is on the form that called the confirmation

I have been told that Frontpage cannot do this ( I know that I can display
the clients email address in a confirmation field) and if not then I will
use a different mail form handler that was suggested to me previously.

Can anyone think of how I can do this simply? Can I save the email address
in a session cookie?? as I submit the form, then read it in when thre
confirmation form opens??? or call the form manually and send the data??
any one have any ideas

I dont care what method is suggested (any other cutom mail form handlers,
ASP or Javascript) I just need to get this done ASAP



Thomas A. Rowe

All of the prior suggestions given to you are still valid.

To store the email address in a session cookie requires server-side script, such as ASP.

The following has to go on the page the processes the form data:

Session("ClientEmail") = Request.Form("ClientEmail")

Then on the confirmation page you would retrieve the value as:

ClientEmail = Session("ClientEmail")

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Agents Real Estate Listing Network

Edwin Hannan

Thanks Thomas

I will have a bash at a new form using the asp code you suggest



Thomas A. Rowe

You can use the same form you have, but it has to be posted (processed) by a ASP page to create the
Session, and then the next page (Confirmation) must be an ASP page to retrieve the session value.

It may be possible to have the form post to the confirmation page and has the confirmation do all of
the processing, thereby eliminating the need to use a Session.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Agents Real Estate Listing Network

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