Change Shape Data Order



I have a number of shapes on my page. All the shapes have the same 10 fields
of shape data. A variety of data is typed into the 10 fields in each shape.

In each shape the 10 fields are listed top to bottom in alphabetical order.
I want to arrange them myself, not alphabetically, any idea how to do this
without loosing my data?

John Goldsmith

Hello Aaron,

Open the shape's ShapeSheet (select the shape and then the Window/Show
ShapeSheet menu item) and then add the numbers you want to the SortKey
column of the Shape Data section (named Custom Properties prior to 2007).

Hope that helps

Best regards


John Goldsmith


Thank you and that works well. But I have so many shapes, all with the same
two shape data sets. Is there a way to apply the sort to the data sets which
are already applied to so many shapes?

John Goldsmith

If the shapes are based on a particular Master, which I assume they are,
then you can make the same changes to their respective Master and see them
reflected in the 'instances'. So:

1) right click your Master Shape in the document Stencil (File/Shape/Show
Document Stencil if it's not visible)

2) select 'Edit master/Edit Master Shape' and make the changes as you did

3) close the Master edit window and accept the "Update [MyShape] and all of
it's instances" message box

This should update all of your shape instances and you can repeat this for
each of the masters that you want to change.

Best regards


John Goldsmith

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