Coding and Scripting issues



I designed a website and published it, however there is an advertisement
banner across the top from the host and Publisher has shifted everything to
the right. Additionally, there is funky scripting throughout. Does anyone
know how to fix this?


It sounds like you may be using the free GoDaddy hosting which does not work
correctly with web pages that use absolute positioning, such as Publisher
web pages. This has been discussed various times over the years and no one
has ever presented a good easy way of making Publisher web pages work with
the free GoDaddy hosting service. You can either pay for hosting and avoid
the ugly banner and the problem, find other free hosting, use other software
to produce your website including the web building software that Godaddy
provides. Sorry.

If I guessed wrong and you are not using GoDaddy, then please tell us who is
the host, provide a link to the site, and tell us which version of Publisher
you are using. Guessing only goes so far...



It is unfortunate but you are absolutely correct. GoDaddy told me that they
would offer no support, but didn't realize that this was something for which
they did not have a remedy. I guess my question now is...Do I need to rebuild
the site using "their" template or am I still able to use publisher and
transfer to another host? Thank you for clearing up the first concern that
was very helpful.


I guess the answer depends a bit on what the goals are for your site. If it
is just a hobby site...just something for the family, then it really doesn't
matter that you use the template driven godaddy web building approach or
that you have an advertising banner across the top on your pages. Free is
good...but there is always a trade off.

However, if you are trying to build a website to create a web presence for a
business, then it seems to me that springing $5 a month for web hosting is a
small price to be paid for a more professional looking site without the
advertising. If it is a business how much do you pay for print advertising?

You can also look into Blogger for hosting...I think they have free hosting,
and direct your domain that direction. Also google for free hosting...there
are others.

Once again it all depends on the goals and scope of what you are wanting in
a website. Don't blame GoDaddy...if you search their site for 'absolute
positioning you will find a support article that says to strip out the
absolute positioning...

Good luck.


Rob Giordano [MS MVP]

You could try this host (I have no connection to them) but noticed them a
few days ago, they claim to offer free unbannered hosting.. who knows(?)

Dunno..have never used them.

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression Web

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