Conditional Formatting


Rakesh Rampiar

Wow! That was perfect.

Dave Peterson said:
Maybe something like:

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Dim myCell As Range
Dim myRng As Range
Dim myColorIndex As Long
Set myRng = Me.Range("d2:h5")

For Each myCell In myRng.Cells
If IsNumeric(myCell.Value) Then
Select Case myCell.Value
Case Is = 0: myColorIndex = 0 'White
Case Is <= 1: myColorIndex = 5 'Blue
Case Is <= 2: myColorIndex = 4 'Green
Case Is <= 3: myColorIndex = 6 'Yellow
Case Is <= 4: myColorIndex = 46 'Orange
Case Is <= 5: myColorIndex = 3 'Red
Case Else
myColorIndex = xlNone
End Select
myColorIndex = xlNone
End If
myCell.Interior.ColorIndex = myColorIndex
Next myCell
End Sub

Depending on how your range is configured, you could build a bunch of addresses:

Set myRng = Me.Range("d2:d5,f3:f88,c239,g2:h45")

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