Converting Headings from Word to PDF


Peyton Todd

Two weeks ago I described a problem converting Word's headings to Acrobat's
'bookmarks' (tree-style outline on the left of the PDF), which was kindly
solved by Lene Fredborg, who pointed out to me that, for this to work, they
must actually be headings, not styles masquerading as headings, which is what
I had been using.

That situation has arisen because I am using a Word template provided by the
academic journal to which I plan to submit this PDF, but the headings in
their template didn't have numbers on them (a mistake on their part since the
journal requires such headings, of the form 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc.). I don't
remember how I transformed them into Styles, but that's what I did.

Anyway, I have now modified the original headings anew, simply specifying
the appropriate numbering for them as I should have done in the first place...

But now, although they do convert to the PDF bookmarks, not all of them do!
Yet they all look the same in the Word document, and all have the appropriate
names, respectively: Heading,w; Heading 2, Subheading, 2w; and Headidng 3,x;
those being the names provided for them in the template I was given.

(If this matters: I switched each individual style masquerating as a heading
to a real heading of the proper type on one computer using Word 2003, after
modifying each heading appropriately. But I must have forgotten to save the
changes to the template. When I copied the resulting Word document to the
computer where I have Acrobat installed, the (real) headings were all in it,
but the numbers were gone. So I modified the headings in Word 2002 on that
computer via the Syles and Formatting window, specifying Save to Template and
Automatic Update.)

Thanks in advance for any help you might provide!

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