Copy and Paste lost



Sorry this is probably a stupid question, I'm still new at
this coding stuff.

I've written some code that calculates a number using the
value in a selected cell, places this in a text box, then
changes the visiblilty of a couple of controls depending
on the cell that is selected.

The problem I have now is that when a user wishes to copy
and paste from one cell to another the selection looses
it's marquee (I think that's what it is called) and
therefore paste is nolonger available. How do I solve

Bob Kilmer

You don't say if the textbox and other controls are on the worksheet or in a
userform. It doesn't seem that your code should interfere with the worksheet
but the relationship is not clear. Does you code do any cutting and pasting
or set the CutCopyMode False or ScreenUpdating False? If you are using a
userform, does the problem occur only when the dialog is open? Try to
describe the different conditions when cut/copy/paste works and when it
doesn't. Under what circustances (at a particular line of code?) does the
selection loose the marquee? (I have seen this called "the marching ants"
but marquee is okay by me. <g>)

Bob Kilmer

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