Cross Reference error in Word for Mac



I am currently working in MS Word X for Mac Service Release 1 (this is
Version 10 I've been told). The documents that I am updating were
scanned in and saved to Word. I am working on cross referencing the
section references throughout the document and each time I try to
insert the cross reference, it displays it as "Section 0" rather than
the correct section number. Is there a way to correct this problem
without having to redo the document completely? I have searched the
web to see if there's anything regarding a fix for the problem and
have come up empty. Any help is greatly appreciated!


John McGhie

Hi Sonya:

Assuming the documents are "Text" then yes, there is a way.

For numbering to work in Word, WORD must generate the numbers, otherwise the
cross-reference does not know they are there.

First apply the appropriate Heading styles (Heading 1 through Heading 9) to
each of the heading paragraphs.

Then use Format>Style... To add numbering to the Heading styles.

Then the cross-references will simply "work".

But if the headings do not have the correct styles, or the heading styles
have no numbering, there is no number to refer to.

In some cases, a scanned document is NOT even "Text", it's a set of
pictures. You cannot do anything with such a document other than re-type

Hope this helps

I am currently working in MS Word X for Mac Service Release 1 (this is
Version 10 I've been told). The documents that I am updating were
scanned in and saved to Word. I am working on cross referencing the
section references throughout the document and each time I try to
insert the cross reference, it displays it as "Section 0" rather than
the correct section number. Is there a way to correct this problem
without having to redo the document completely? I have searched the
web to see if there's anything regarding a fix for the problem and
have come up empty. Any help is greatly appreciated!


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Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:[email protected]


Hi Sonya;

I'm coming from a different direction than John did ‹ although certainly not
disputing what he wrote :) My first concern is with the update level of
Word/Office... You don't mention OS version, but the latest (and final)
update to Office X is 10.1.9 & "SR1" significantly predates that (10.1.0).

I believe that may correlate with the second concern, which is that, AFAIK,
Word docs don't have a "Section 0". Section numbering in a doc begins at 1 &
increases incrementally as additional Sections are created. Scanning ‹ even
proper OCR scanning as text ‹ doesn't recognize Section Breaks, but even in
a scanned document saved as a Word file everything should be in "Section 1".

In all honesty, Word X is one version I used *very* little, but in any prior
version & in all versions since, Insert> Cross Reference has worked pretty
much the same. There is no inherent option to include Section #, so that
begs the question as to exactly how you're going about what you're
attempting to do. If you're manually inserting some sort of field or
modifying the cross references in some way it may be contributing to the
problem. Can you provide a more complete step-by-step description of how
you're "working on cross referencing the section references"?

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Hi Bob,

Thanks for the reply. In answer to your question, the documents that
I am working on are legal documents broken down into sections using
heading 1, etc. There are cross references throughout the document
(approximately 15) that refer to a previous section in the document.
I am using the Cross Reference button, selecting Heading, Heading
Number, with the insert as hyperlink box checked, and then selecting
the appropriate section number from the listing available. All of the
sections are listed there from Section 1 to Section 14, however, when
I select the section number and select the insert option rather than
it listing "Section 4" as a hyperlink it lists "Section 0".
Interestingly enough if I clink on the hyperlink for that reference,
it goes to Section 4.

Hope that my description doesn't cause more confusion - I am currently
not in the office at the computer so I am doing this from memory.
Please let me know if you need additional information.



OK, I believe I see where the misunderstanding is coming from :)

"Section" in Word refers to a specific feature which segments a document by
the insertion of Section Breaks. There are several types of Section Breaks &
each type contributes certain capabilities & enables certain effects. No
need for further details, but Sections have nothing to do with
Cross-References. What these documents evidently contain is headings which
are the equivalent of chapter names & read something like:

Section I.

Section II

Apparently each of these headings have been formatted with the Heading 1
Style. However, the chapter/section "numbers" you're expecting are simply
text ‹ captioning ‹ that has been typed, not Numbering applied by the use of
Word's built-in numbering features. It's Word's internal Numbering that is
used by the Cross-Reference feature, not the literal numerals which have
been typed into the document as text. IOW, Since no actual Numbering has
been applied *all* of your headings are "0".

If you want your "section titles" [including the typed numbering] to be used
by the Cross-References choose Heading Text rather than Heading Number.

Alternatively, you'll have to modify the headings & apply Numbering or
Outline Numbering so the "section labels" will be internally numbered.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

John McGhie

Hi Sonya:

Yes, that error is totally consistent with the Heading styles either not
applied, or not having numbering.

A cross-reference to Section "0" means Word has not generated any numbers to
cross-reference to.


Hi Bob,

Thanks for the reply. In answer to your question, the documents that
I am working on are legal documents broken down into sections using
heading 1, etc. There are cross references throughout the document
(approximately 15) that refer to a previous section in the document.
I am using the Cross Reference button, selecting Heading, Heading
Number, with the insert as hyperlink box checked, and then selecting
the appropriate section number from the listing available. All of the
sections are listed there from Section 1 to Section 14, however, when
I select the section number and select the insert option rather than
it listing "Section 4" as a hyperlink it lists "Section 0".
Interestingly enough if I clink on the hyperlink for that reference,
it goes to Section 4.

Hope that my description doesn't cause more confusion - I am currently
not in the office at the computer so I am doing this from memory.
Please let me know if you need additional information.


Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:[email protected]

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