Disable Edit button



Question 1: On some web sites, I see at the top ribbon
area that the Edit button is grayed out, so that a viewer
of a web site can't click it and view the html. How is
this activated in FrontPage? Question 2: How you can
prevent viewers from right-clicking and saving an image
file on a web page?

Stefan B Rusynko

1) That's a Host / Server side setting
2) You will find an addin for that useless function (protects nothing) at

SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:

| Question 1: On some web sites, I see at the top ribbon
| area that the Edit button is grayed out, so that a viewer
| of a web site can't click it and view the html. How is
| this activated in FrontPage? Question 2: How you can
| prevent viewers from right-clicking and saving an image
| file on a web page?


Thank you so much, your information is very helpful and
thanks for the tips too! Sorry about posting in the WRONG
section . . . I appreciate your help!

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