Editing an enterprise resource name Project 2003


Peggy Cornett

I want to edit a resource name (such as from Peggy to Peg) in the enterprise
resource pool. This resource is in multiple projects and has actual work as
well as remaining work assigned. It uses Windows Authentication. Please
confirm if the following is the best way to do edit/revise the name and what
pain I should be prepared for:
Open the resource center from within PWA
Select the resource
Choose the open icon - (NOT edit) This opens it in the checked out ent
resource pool)
Make the edit/change directly in the resource name and save.
The next time the project is opened the revised name will update

I noticed if this change is made while the project is open, I can't save the
project because it is was checked out when I (the admin and I happened to be
the resrouce in this case too) had another name.

If I try to change this under Admin (in PWA), Users & Groups in the user
name it does not reflect the change in the resource center nor in the
Enterprise resource global pool.

Any precautions/risks?

We copy the resource name into a text field for importing into another
system. That system has a character limit of 18. However, many resource
were originally created with more than 18. We have been manually reducing
them in the text field but it would save lots of work to just go to the
source, the resource name in the enterprise pool and shorted it once and for
all. Hence, the reason for my attempt.

Peggy Cornett

Jonathan Sofer


Your approach should work fine. I am not sure about the issue with the
projects that are open at the time of the resource name changes but if that
is the case, I would make sure to make the name changes at off hours and
make sure all projects are checked in at the time.

Changing the name via PWA>Admin>Manage Users and Groups>Users should change
the name for the resource account as well. Those two accounts are linked
and any change in one should reflect in the other. If the changes are not
reflecting then that seems to point to some issues with the accounts.

In 2003 if you create a resource via the Enterprise Resource Pool it will
create a linked User Account as well. If you create a User Account it will
not automatically create the Enterprise Resource account. If you later
create an Enterprise Resource Account with matching name and Windows User
Account the system will prompt you and ask if you want to link the two. In
either case, the accounts should be 100% linked to each other and changes
should be reflected in both instantaneously.


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