Entourage disaster



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: intel
Email Client: pop

I use Entourage as my email. I tried to create an additional address and my original email account is gone. I can't recreate it. Everytime I try the verification fails. There are about five email ids and passwords in my keychain. Should I delete these? I can't find the SMTP address to put into outgoing. Please, someone assist me. I've searched all the helps and Googled, but can't find anything that works. Thanks so very much.

Diane Ross

I use Entourage as my email. I tried to create an additional address and my
original email account is gone.

Are you sure you are using the same Identity in Entourage? I'm not sure what
you are doing that is causing this.
I can't recreate it. Everytime I try the
verification fails. There are about five email ids and passwords in my
keychain. Should I delete these?

You can delete these since they do not work.
I can't find the SMTP address to put into
outgoing. Please, someone assist me. I've searched all the helps and Googled,
but can't find anything that works. Thanks so very much.

See this page for details on how to set up an account. If you continue to
have problems, you might need one on one help. Let me know if this is the


Hi, Diane, thanks for answering. I deleted the extra ids as you said. I emptied my cache, and created a new account. I found the ingoing and outgoing servers, but I am still getting a message that the username or password is wrong. I checked in my keychain, and they are not wrong. I would really appreciate any help, as I am stuck absolutely. Thanks again.


Diane Ross

Hi, Diane, thanks for answering. I deleted the extra ids as you said. I
emptied my cache, and created a new account. I found the ingoing and outgoing
servers, but I am still getting a message that the username or password is
wrong. I checked in my keychain, and they are not wrong. I would really
appreciate any help, as I am stuck absolutely. Thanks again.

You need to find out which one is the problem. There are two ways to monitor
the network traffic and see what Entourage is saying to your server.

It will show you something like this: USER diane +OK PASS xxxxxx +OK ready

If the info was not correct, you would not to see the OK. It's possible that
you are adding an extra space after the entry. Double check with your ISP
that your password is correct.

Test your network with tcpflow. See directions here:


Another application I ran into recently that does the same thing but has a
different interface.

EavesDrop....Let it capture some stuff then double-click any of the lines of
text in the main window to see more detail.



Hi, Diane. I tried both things and the tcp said there was no command found. The eavesdrop showed nothing. Blank on both. How could both not find anything? Please write back when you can. Thanks.

Diane Ross

Hi, Diane. I tried both things and the tcp said there was no command found.
The eavesdrop showed nothing. Blank on both. How could both not find anything?
Please write back when you can. Thanks.

Contact me off list and I'll see if we can figure this out. BTW, what
timezone? I'm Pacific.

Send me an email:


I need again in your reply the following:

What machine you're running and which version of OS X, as certain answers
will vary between different Macs and Tiger vs. Leopard, etc.

What version of Entourage you are using including any updates.


Restate your problem in detail. This not only helps me but you in thinking
through your problem. List again what you have tried.


Diane, I resent the email, just checking to see if it went through this time. Thanks.



Hi, Diane, it said that it went, but today I got a message that it has been undeliverable (?) for three days. I'm going to try again, but I'm not sure what it happening. Thanks.

Diane Ross

Hi, Diane, it said that it went, but today I got a message that it has been
undeliverable (?) for three days. I'm going to try again, but I'm not sure
what it happening. Thanks.

Are you using my link to send me email or are you replying to the no spam

(e-mail address removed) <---- this address will not be delivered
until you edit it.

Using the link here will get me email.


Diane Ross

Hi, Diane, it said that it went, but today I got a message that it has been
undeliverable (?) for three days. I'm going to try again, but I'm not sure
what it happening. Thanks.

Are you ejrrett?

I replied to you on May 3. Did you not get my reply?

I highly suggest you get a Gmail email. Something is really strange about
your Verizon account.


Diane, this is the address I'm trying. Is it incorrect?

Recipient address: (e-mail address removed)
Reason: unable to deliver this message after 4 days


Diane, I have been going to that link, and clicking on send me an email. It opens up an email window with your name and address. I don't want to post it here in case you don't want that. All of them have come back a couple of days later with undeliverable. My name is Ellen, I only put it in the emails, sorry. I'm going to try to send again. Thanks.


Dear Diane,

Thanks so much for all your help, and problem solved! I really appreciate your efforts and time spent. Now I know where to go if I need help in the future! Take care, and thanks.


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