Entourage just crashes...!



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: imap

Dear all,

Entourage keeps crashing, every time I boot it, it starts to synchronize, then freezes, causing me to force quit and never being able to check my mails.

Looking at the progress bar it starts to update, inbox, work, drafts and calendar.

I've now re-installed but it's still doing it (I did uninstall the last version)

Please help.


Diane Ross

Entourage keeps crashing, every time I boot it, it starts to synchronize, then
freezes, causing me to force quit and never being able to check my mails.

Log into your account with your web browser and move some of your emails out
of the Inbox. It could be a corrupt message that is causing the problem.



Thanks Diane.

I've gone into my web mail and deleted all emails from all folders. It's still just hanged on boot up.

Any other ideas...?


Diane Ross

I've gone into my web mail and deleted all emails from all folders. It's still
just hanged on boot up.

Hold Shift key down when launching Entourage. This allows Entourage to
launch without crashing in situations like this.

* Check to see if there is a corrupt message trying to send in your Outbox.
* Check this link for solutions when you are crashing:

Elimination test:

If you didn't find a solution, drag your Main Identity folder to the Shared


Go to System Preferences --> Create a New User in Accounts. Switch to the
New User by logging out/in or use Fast User Switching.

Open Entourage and let it create a new Microsoft User Data folder and new
blank Identity. Rename the new Main Identity to "Default Main Identity".

Drag (it actually copies) your Main Identity from Shared to the Office 2008
Identities folder.

Switch Identities under Entourage in the Menu bar and select your old
Identity. Try connecting. You'll have to enter the password so be sure you
have it available.

If it doesn't work, then Switch Identities and select the default main
Identity. Enter the account. Set to "leave on server" under the options tab
in Account window. Does it work?

This should tell us if there are problems in your User's folder, if your
database has issues and if the problems exist in your account.

Don't forget to move your Identity back from Shared, or Entourage will
create a new blank one and scare you to death. :)

Let me know what you find.

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