Entourage vX crashes when HTML text is on

  • Thread starter EmuPooh Nonames
  • Start date

EmuPooh Nonames

I have noticed this annoying thing.

I normally have entourage set to display text in non - html format.

However over the last week I have had a couple emails that I have wanted to
view with html switched on. After I have loaded the email (html) in the app
finished with it and then close it, the Entourage crashes. Does any one know

If I have the html options turned off there is no problem.

Cheers Paul
Here is a crash report from one such event.

Date/Time: 2004-03-05 16:11:37 +1100 OS Version: 10.3.2 (Build
7D24) Report Version: 2

Command: Microsoft Entourage Path: /Applications/Microsoft Office
X/Microsoft Entourage Version: ??? (???) PID: 751 Thread: 0

Exception: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (0x0002) Code[0]: 0x00000002 Code[1]:

Thread 0 Crashed: 0 IE 5.02 Control Lib 0x06624bf4
0x6505000 + 0x11fbf4 1 IE 5.02 Control Lib 0x06622ba4
0x6505000 + 0x11dba4 2 IE 5.02 Control Lib 0x06634aec
0x6505000 + 0x12faec 3 IE 5.02 Control Lib 0x0652e3d4
0x6505000 + 0x293d4 4 IE 5.02 Control Lib 0x065f2254
0x6505000 + 0xed254 5 IE 5.02 Control Lib 0x065efbb0
0x6505000 + 0xeabb0 6 IE 5.02 Control Lib 0x0651d4b4
0x6505000 + 0x184b4 7 IE 5.02 Control Lib 0x066e9e20
0x6505000 + 0x1e4e20 8 IE 5.02 Control Lib 0x066e9d58
0x6505000 + 0x1e4d58 9 IE 5.02 Control Lib 0x06734998
0x6505000 + 0x22f998 10 ...bd9-11d3-9851-c2f45fcdb84c} 0x067b30d8
0x67aa120 + 0x8fb8 11 ...bd9-11d3-9851-c2f45fcdb84c} 0x067b5384
_ct__6LArrayFUlP11LComparatorUc + 0xfffff6a4 12
....bd9-11d3-9851-c2f45fcdb84c} 0x067acb50 0x67aa120 + 0x2a30 13 MS
Container Lib (Car) 0x04b6c2a0 0x4b62c90 + 0x9610 14 MS
Container Lib (Car) 0x04b64fd0 0x4b62c90 + 0x2340 15 MCPZ.stb
0x01275a4c 0x11c89d0 + 0xad07c 16 Microsoft Entourage
0x0047485c 0x405000 + 0x6f85c 17 Microsoft Entourage
0x00630c84 0x405000 + 0x22bc84 18 Microsoft Entourage
0x00632e28 0x405000 + 0x22de28 19 Microsoft Entourage
0x0066662c 0x405000 + 0x26162c 20 Microsoft Framework UI
0x014d4e1c 0x1338000 + 0x19ce1c 21 Microsoft Framework UI
0x014d4cb8 0x1338000 + 0x19ccb8 22 Microsoft Framework UI
0x014d55c0 0x1338000 + 0x19d5c0 23 Microsoft Framework UI
0x01415570 0x1338000 + 0xdd570 24 PowerPlantZ
0x011260c8 0x10e9da0 + 0x3c328 25 PowerPlantZ
0x01125d3c 0x10e9da0 + 0x3bf9c 26 PowerPlantZ
0x01136ee0 0x10e9da0 + 0x4d140 27 Microsoft Entourage
0x0048620c 0x405000 + 0x8120c 28 PowerPlantZ
0x01136c78 0x10e9da0 + 0x4ced8 29 Microsoft Entourage
0x004831cc 0x405000 + 0x7e1cc

Thread 1: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x900075c8 mach_msg_trap +
0x8 1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90007118 mach_msg + 0x38 2
com.unsanity.ape 0xc000a954 __ape_internal + 0x90b8 3
com.unsanity.ape 0xc0001328 __ape_agent + 0x40 4
libSystem.B.dylib 0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 2: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x900075c8 mach_msg_trap +
0x8 1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90007118 mach_msg + 0x38 2
....lagutin.audio_hijack.server 0x020d147c ah_serv_loop + 0x58 3
libSystem.B.dylib 0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 3: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x900075c8 mach_msg_trap +
0x8 1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90007118 mach_msg + 0x38 2
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x902936c4 SwitchContexts + 0x60 3
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x90288ef4 YieldToThread + 0x104 4
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x90296254 SetThreadState + 0xc0 5
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x902d1830 SetThreadStateEndCritical +
0x90 6 PowerPlantZ 0x01175cd8 0x10e9da0 + 0x8bf38 7
PowerPlantZ 0x011748d4 0x10e9da0 + 0x8ab34 8
PowerPlantZ 0x011747f8 0x10e9da0 + 0x8aa58 9
PowerPlantZ 0x01174b6c 0x10e9da0 + 0x8adcc 10
PowerPlantZ 0x011760d4 0x10e9da0 + 0x8c334 11
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x902dc354 InvokeThreadEntryUPP + 0x18 12
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x902a7238 CooperativeThread + 0xdc 13
libSystem.B.dylib 0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 4: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9004364c accept + 0xc 1
com.microsoft.shmem.bundle 0x0495ecd4 FWaitForConnection + 0x30 2
MCPZ.stb 0x0128ac14 0x11c89d0 + 0xc2244 3
MCPZ.stb 0x012b48a0 0x11c89d0 + 0xebed0 4
MCPZ.stb 0x012b4a28 0x11c89d0 + 0xec058 5
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x9032211c _MP_CFMTaskProc + 0x20 6
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x902c6f3c PrivateMPEntryPoint + 0x4c 7
libSystem.B.dylib 0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 5: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9000d5ec recvfrom + 0xc 1
com.microsoft.shmem.bundle 0x0495ee90 FReceiveMessage + 0x84 2
MCPZ.stb 0x0128ad8c 0x11c89d0 + 0xc23bc 3
MCPZ.stb 0x012b4c0c 0x11c89d0 + 0xec23c 4
MCPZ.stb 0x012b4d6c 0x11c89d0 + 0xec39c 5
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x9032211c _MP_CFMTaskProc + 0x20 6
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x902c6f3c PrivateMPEntryPoint + 0x4c 7
libSystem.B.dylib 0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 6: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90018ce8
semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 0x8 1 libSystem.B.dylib
0x9000e888 _pthread_cond_wait + 0x268 2 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore
0x9030995c MPWaitOnSemaphore + 0xb8 3 MCPZ.stb
0x012b4ed8 0x11c89d0 + 0xec508 4 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore
0x9032211c _MP_CFMTaskProc + 0x20 5 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore
0x902c6f3c PrivateMPEntryPoint + 0x4c 6 libSystem.B.dylib
0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 7: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x900075c8 mach_msg_trap +
0x8 1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90007118 mach_msg + 0x38 2
com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x901917e0 __CFRunLoopRun + 0x350 3
com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x90195f6c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 0x148 4
com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 0x90732f80 _ZN10HALRunLoop9OwnThreadEPv +
0x104 5 com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 0x907391e0
_ZN9CAPThread5EntryEPS_ + 0x30 6 libSystem.B.dylib
0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 8: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x900075c8 mach_msg_trap +
0x8 1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90007118 mach_msg + 0x38 2
com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x901917e0 __CFRunLoopRun + 0x350 3
com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x90195f6c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 0x148 4
com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x901ff3e0 CFRunLoopRun + 0x34 5
com.apple.iSightAudio 0x05dc14d0
_ZN3APW3PTA17IsochronousThread5StartEPS1_ + 0x104 6 libSystem.B.dylib
0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 9: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9001a5ac syscall + 0xc 1
....ple.CoreServices.OSServices 0x9061f3fc BSD_waitevent + 0x2c 2
....ple.CoreServices.OSServices 0x9061bdf0 CarbonSelectThreadFunc + 0xb0
3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 10: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90017048
semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 0x8 1 libSystem.B.dylib
0x9000e890 _pthread_cond_wait + 0x270 2 ...ple.CoreServices.OSServices
0x90626630 CarbonOperationThreadFunc + 0x50 3 libSystem.B.dylib
0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 11: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90017048
semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 0x8 1 libSystem.B.dylib
0x9000e890 _pthread_cond_wait + 0x270 2 ...ple.CoreServices.OSServices
0x90632470 CarbonInetOperThreadFunc + 0x50 3 libSystem.B.dylib
0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 12: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x900075c8 mach_msg_trap +
0x8 1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90007118 mach_msg + 0x38 2
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x902936c4 SwitchContexts + 0x60 3
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x90288ef4 YieldToThread + 0x104 4
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x9029135c YieldToAnyThread + 0x14 5 IE
5.02 Control Lib 0x065135d8 0x6505000 + 0xe5d8 6 IE 5.02
Control Lib 0x06513398 0x6505000 + 0xe398 7 IE 5.02 Control
Lib 0x06733254 0x6505000 + 0x22e254 8 IE 5.02 Control Lib
0x0658e968 0x6505000 + 0x89968 9 IE 5.02 Control Lib
0x06730f50 0x6505000 + 0x22bf50 10 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore
0x902dc354 InvokeThreadEntryUPP + 0x18 11 IE 5.02 Control Lib
0x06513300 0x6505000 + 0xe300 12 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore
0x902dc354 InvokeThreadEntryUPP + 0x18 13 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore
0x902a7238 CooperativeThread + 0xdc 14 libSystem.B.dylib
0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

Thread 13: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x900075c8 mach_msg_trap +
0x8 1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90007118 mach_msg + 0x38 2
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x902936c4 SwitchContexts + 0x60 3
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x90288ef4 YieldToThread + 0x104 4
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x9029135c YieldToAnyThread + 0x14 5 IE
5.02 Control Lib 0x065135d8 0x6505000 + 0xe5d8 6 IE 5.02
Control Lib 0x0651c8b4 0x6505000 + 0x178b4 7 IE 5.02
Control Lib 0x0651c730 0x6505000 + 0x17730 8 IE 5.02
Control Lib 0x0651c6fc 0x6505000 + 0x176fc 9 IE 5.02
Control Lib 0x0651dd20 0x6505000 + 0x18d20 10 IE 5.02
Control Lib 0x0658f2ec 0x6505000 + 0x8a2ec 11 IE 5.02
Control Lib 0x0658e968 0x6505000 + 0x89968 12 IE 5.02
Control Lib 0x06730f50 0x6505000 + 0x22bf50 13
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x902dc354 InvokeThreadEntryUPP + 0x18 14
IE 5.02 Control Lib 0x06513300 0x6505000 + 0xe300 15
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x902dc354 InvokeThreadEntryUPP + 0x18 16
....ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x902a7238 CooperativeThread + 0xdc 17
libSystem.B.dylib 0x900247e8 _pthread_body + 0x28

PPC Thread State: srr0: 0x06624bf4 srr1: 0x0008d030 vrsave:
0x00000000 cr: 0x24802482 xer: 0x00000004 lr: 0x06624bf4 ctr: 0x900011c0
r0: 0x06624bf4 r1: 0xbfffedb0 r2: 0x06369000 r3: 0xa0280ee8 r4:
0x00000000 r5: 0xa028089c r6: 0x00000001 r7: 0x00000001 r8: 0x00000001
r9: 0xa00011ac r10: 0x00000ab1 r11: 0x00402004 r12: 0x900011c0 r13:
0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15: 0x00000000 r16: 0x00000000 r17:
0x00000000 r18: 0x00000000 r19: 0x00000000 r20: 0xbffffe80 r21:
0xffffffff r22: 0xbffffc40 r23: 0x00000000 r24: 0x003101d0 r25:
0x0000a000 r26: 0xbffffe70 r27: 0x00000000 r28: 0x00000000 r29:
0x06384a38 r30: 0x064d4dc0 r31: 0x00000001

Binary Images Description: 0x1000 - 0x9fff Microsoft Entourage
/Applications/Microsoft Office X/Microsoft Entourage 0xae000 - 0xaf659 MS
COM Lib (Car) PEF binary: MS COM Lib (Car) 0x287000 - 0x2d29b1
CarbonLibpwpc PEF binary: CarbonLibpwpc 0x2d29c0 - 0x2eacad
Apple;Carbon;Multimedia PEF binary: Apple;Carbon;Multimedia 0x2ec1f0 -
0x2edf7b Apple;Carbon;Networking PEF binary: Apple;Carbon;Networking
0x310aa0 - 0x310b52 CFMPriv_CoreFoundation PEF binary:
CFMPriv_CoreFoundation 0x310d60 - 0x310e15 CFMPriv_DVComponentGlue PEF
binary: CFMPriv_DVComponentGlue 0x310e90 - 0x310f3a JavaEmbeddingLib
PEF binary: JavaEmbeddingLib 0x310f70 - 0x311002 JNILib PEF binary:
JNILib 0x311070 - 0x311113 CFMPriv_QuickTime PEF binary:
CFMPriv_QuickTime 0x311180 - 0x3111f7 CFMPriv_System PEF binary:
CFMPriv_System 0x311490 - 0x311560 CFMPriv_CarbonSound PEF binary:
CFMPriv_CarbonSound 0x3115e0 - 0x3116b3 CFMPriv_CommonPanels PEF
binary: CFMPriv_CommonPanels 0x311790 - 0x31184b CFMPriv_Help PEF
binary: CFMPriv_Help 0x311850 - 0x31191a CFMPriv_HIToolbox PEF binary:
CFMPriv_HIToolbox 0x3119a0 - 0x311a76 CFMPriv_HTMLRendering PEF
binary: CFMPriv_HTMLRendering 0x311af0 - 0x311bc3 CFMPriv_ImageCapture
PEF binary: CFMPriv_ImageCapture 0x311c50 - 0x311d35
CFMPriv_NavigationServices PEF binary: CFMPriv_NavigationServices
0x311db0 - 0x311e86 CFMPriv_OpenScripting•MacBLib PEF binary:
CFMPriv_OpenScripting•MacBLib 0x311f60 - 0x31201e CFMPriv_Print PEF
binary: CFMPriv_Print 0x312040 - 0x31210d CFMPriv_SecurityHI PEF
binary: CFMPriv_SecurityHI 0x312190 - 0x312272 CFMPriv_SpeechRecognition
PEF binary: CFMPriv_SpeechRecognition 0x3122f0 - 0x3123c3
CFMPriv_CarbonCore PEF binary: CFMPriv_CarbonCore 0x312440 - 0x312513
CFMPriv_OSServices PEF binary: CFMPriv_OSServices 0x3125f0 - 0x3126b2
CFMPriv_AE PEF binary: CFMPriv_AE 0x3126c0 - 0x312785 CFMPriv_ATS
PEF binary: CFMPriv_ATS 0x312800 - 0x3128d7 CFMPriv_ColorSync PEF
binary: CFMPriv_ColorSync 0x312960 - 0x312a43 CFMPriv_FindByContent
PEF binary: CFMPriv_FindByContent 0x312ac0 - 0x312b9a CFMPriv_HIServices
PEF binary: CFMPriv_HIServices 0x312c10 - 0x312cf0 CFMPriv_LangAnalysis
PEF binary: CFMPriv_LangAnalysis 0x312d80 - 0x312e66
CFMPriv_LaunchServices PEF binary: CFMPriv_LaunchServices 0x312f40 -
0x313017 CFMPriv_PrintCore PEF binary: CFMPriv_PrintCore 0x313020 -
0x3130e2 CFMPriv_QD PEF binary: CFMPriv_QD 0x3131e0 - 0x3132c9
CFMPriv_SpeechSynthesis PEF binary: CFMPriv_SpeechSynthesis 0x405000 -
0x7ec283 Microsoft Entourage PEF binary: Microsoft Entourage 0x1008000 -
0x10204c2 Mcp Favorites Lib (Carbon) PEF binary: Mcp Favorites Lib
(Carbon) 0x10204d0 - 0x1045606 Mcp Prefs Lib (Carbon) PEF binary: Mcp
Prefs Lib (Carbon) 0x1045610 - 0x10e9d9a Mcp Internet Lib (Carbon)pwpc
PEF binary: Mcp Internet Lib (Carbon)pwpc 0x10e9da0 - 0x11c5925 PowerPlantZ
PEF binary: PowerPlantZ 0x11c5930 - 0x11c89ce MCP RuntimeZ.DLL PEF
binary: MCP RuntimeZ.DLL 0x11c89d0 - 0x12fa14b MCPZ.stb PEF binary:
MCPZ.stb 0x1338000 - 0x15eba1a Microsoft Framework UI PEF binary:
Microsoft Framework UI 0x15eba20 - 0x16f2340 Microsoft Framework DB PEF
binary: Microsoft Framework DB 0x20cd000 - 0x20d3fff
alex_lagutin.audio_hijack.server 1.2.4 /Library/Application
Enhancers/Audio Hijack Server.ape/Contents/MacOS/Audio Hijack Server
0x4921000 - 0x4923fff com.apple.textencoding.unicode 1.6.4
Encodings.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Unicode Encodings 0x495c000 - 0x4962fff
com.microsoft.shmem.bundle 10.1.5 /Applications/Microsoft Office
X/Office/ShMem.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ShMem 0x4a13880 - 0x4a319d7 Microsoft
C++ Library v2 (Car) PEF binary: Microsoft C++ Library v2 (Car)
0x4a319e0 - 0x4a323b1 MS Memory Library (Car) PEF binary: MS Memory
Library (Car) 0x4a323c0 - 0x4a649c1 MS Favorites Library (Car) PEF
binary: MS Favorites Library (Car) 0x4a649d0 - 0x4a7183d MS Variant Lib
(Car) PEF binary: MS Variant Lib (Car) 0x4a71840 - 0x4a99207 MS
Preferences Library Car PEF binary: MS Preferences Library Car 0x4ab30a0
- 0x4b54081 MS Internet Library (Car)pwpc PEF binary: MS Internet
Library (Car)pwpc 0x4b5f8f0 - 0x4b62c81 MS ActiveX Lib (Car) PEF
binary: MS ActiveX Lib (Car) 0x4b62c90 - 0x4b7cba1 MS Container Lib (Car)
PEF binary: MS Container Lib (Car) 0x4b7cbb0 - 0x4b900c0 StdUrlMoniker
(Car) PEF binary: StdUrlMoniker (Car) 0x58c8000 - 0x58c8fff
com.apple.aoa.halplugin 1.2.1 (1.1b2)
bundle/Contents/MacOS/AOAHALPlugin 0x5c25000 - 0x5c394d7 English
Spelling¬GD PEF binary: English Spelling¬GD 0x5d1d000 - 0x5d57fff
com.apple.audio.SoundManager.Components 3.8
oundManagerComponents 0x5dc0000 - 0x5dfbfff com.apple.iSightAudio 6.5
0x5e61000 - 0x5e7afff com.apple.IOFireWireLib 1.7.2
Lib.plugin/Contents/MacOS/IOFireWireLib 0x6505000 - 0x67aa117 IE 5.02
Control Lib PEF binary: IE 5.02 Control Lib 0x67aa120 - 0x67be047
{ce1cf400-7bd9-11d3-9851-c2f45fcdb84c} PEF binary:
{ce1cf400-7bd9-11d3-9851-c2f45fcdb84c} 0x780c0000 - 0x780c9fff
libz.1.1.3.dylib /usr/lib/libz.1.1.3.dylib 0x81b30000 - 0x81b3bfff
com.apple.agl 2.4 (AGL-2.4)
/System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Versions/A/AGL 0x86b90000 -
0x86bbafff com.apple.QuickTime Plugin.plugin 6.5 /Library/Internet
Plug-Ins/QuickTime Plugin.plugin/Contents/MacOS/QuickTime Plugin 0x87ff0000
- 0x87ff1fff DVComponentGlue
lue 0x8b0c0000 - 0x8b70efff com.apple.QuickTimeComponents.component 6.5
TimeComponents 0x8c390000 - 0x8c3d1fff
com.apple.QuickTimeFirewireDV.component 6.5
TimeFirewireDV 0x8df60000 - 0x8df76fff libJapaneseConverter.dylib
/System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libJapaneseConverter.dylib 0x8dff0000
- 0x8e010fff libKoreanConverter.dylib
/System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libKoreanConverter.dylib 0x8e0d0000 -
0x8e0d1fff libThaiConverter.dylib
/System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libThaiConverter.dylib 0x8e130000 -
0x8e13efff libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib
0x8e250000 - 0x8e25efff com.apple.JavaEmbedding 1.0.4
0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe4ffff dyld /usr/lib/dyld 0x90000000 - 0x90122fff
libSystem.B.dylib /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x90190000 - 0x9023dfff
com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.3.1 (299.2)
n 0x90280000 - 0x904f9fff com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 10.3.2
onCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore 0x90570000 - 0x905ddfff
com.apple.framework.IOKit 1.3 (???)
/System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit 0x90610000 -
0x90699fff com.apple.CoreServices.OSServices 3.0 (3.0.0)
rvices.framework/Versions/A/OSServices 0x90700000 - 0x90700fff
com.apple.CoreServices 10.3 (???)
0x90720000 - 0x90787fff com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 2.1.2
0xc0000000 - 0xc000efff com.unsanity.ape 1.4.1

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