error 1919- ODBC - Help!



I was having problems with Excel and Word so I uninstalled Office xp. When trying to install it again it did not allowed me. I could not to even install Word alone. I keep getting the same message: " Error 1919-Error configuring ODBC data source MS Access Database, ODBC error 6. Component not found in the registry" I think a file was deleted by mistake. Please can anyone help me I am not very knowledgeable about computers.
Thank you very much!!

Susan Ramlet

Hi, CrisQ,

This article should help:

324520 - OFFXP: "Error 1919. Error Configuring ODBC Data Source" Error
Message When You Try to Install Office XP or an Office XP Program:;en-us;324520&Product=offxp

It's a little involved, but follow the steps and you should be fine. Method
1 might be your best option.

Susan Ramlet
MVP - Microsoft Office
Please post replies to the newsgroup where all may benefit.

CrisQ said:
I was having problems with Excel and Word so I uninstalled Office xp. When
trying to install it again it did not allowed me. I could not to even
install Word alone. I keep getting the same message: " Error 1919-Error
configuring ODBC data source MS Access Database, ODBC error 6. Component not
found in the registry" I think a file was deleted by mistake. Please can
anyone help me I am not very knowledgeable about computers.


I had the same problem, I contacted Tech Support and they
sent me 2 registry files. I un-ziped and installed them
and it works fine now.
-----Original Message-----
I was having problems with Excel and Word so I
uninstalled Office xp. When trying to install it again it
did not allowed me. I could not to even install Word
alone. I keep getting the same message: " Error 1919-
Error configuring ODBC data source MS Access Database,
ODBC error 6. Component not found in the registry" I
think a file was deleted by mistake. Please can anyone
help me I am not very knowledgeable about computers.


Thank you Susan Ramlet, this was very helpful for me also since I was having
the same problem, thanks again.
Rafael Capellan


I am having this error on a computer Purchased from Dell in October 2004.
After downloading MDAC 2.8, when run it says this components are already
included in Windows XP. Obviously they are not or I would not be receiving
this error. Anyway, the download REFUSES to be installed. So I am back to
square one, with no end in sight. Faster just to format and start from
Why Why WHY does microsoft refuse to let me install their free download?? It
isn't their decision, it's MINE. Especially when the software is too stupid
to realize the facts, such as:
1) I need the MDAC
2) I need to install the MDAC
3) MDAC isn't on my system or I wouldn't be getting MDAC errors

Also, why does Microsoft allow third-party software to remove registry keys
that are shared or are required by Microsoft Programs? That would be like
buying a house, having a contractor remove a bedroom ceiling fan he sold
me, and when he leaves he takes all my kitchen electrical wiring while my
hired security helps him load it onto the van. That is EXACTLY what Corel did
to me! The dirty *&^#%@!%^#@%^!#(T&*


Would you care to share the registry files?
The KB articles do not work to fix the Error 1919 problem with WIn XP &
Office 2003


I have Win XP & am installing Office 2003 after removing Office 2000.
I get the dreded Error 1919
I tried KB818954 but Mdac 2.8 does not like WIn XP w/SP2 so it will not run.
Method 2 of resetting the registry does not work as I am not able to open
file ADCJAVAS from the WIn XP SP2 download file.

SO what is the solution? and why did I pay for defective software?


Any luck with those registry files? I could use them as well! I've spent
hours trying to figure this thing out--going through all the steps in
articles 324520 and 232060 as well as Component Checker. Then I saw this
thread, and guess what I have--Win XP & Office 2003!


Yep, saw that one too. None of the suggestions worked, partly because HP,
regardless of several promises via email, has failed to send me my system
discs. Anyway, I just did a system restore since the Corel deletion fiasco
only happened a few days ago. Thanks for the reply!


Has anyone come up with a way to get the registry files? I can't install
Office Professional 2003. I have Windows XP. If I reinstall my Office 97
(which worked just fine) & then install 2003, will that work?


Trish said:
Has anyone come up with a way to get the registry files? I can't install
Office Professional 2003. I have Windows XP. If I reinstall my Office 97
(which worked just fine) & then install 2003, will that work?

It should work but you don't need to install Office 97 even if your
Office Professional 2003 is upgrade version unless you want both to be
on the system to fill up the empty hard disk space. Please only use
Retail version of Office package (upgrade or not) as OEM products cannot
normally be supported by Microsoft.

If you have any specific problems then please use a new thread instead
of re-using somebody's message unless the problem is identical.



I tried these instructions because I have been having the same problem,
thanks to removing a trail offer from corel word perfect, but to no avail.
No something more computer 101 to understand instructions.


well I had exactly the same problem as can be seen from my separate postings.
And wth the help of an HP telephone support person Ive resolved it.
First thing to say is that the KB article refered widely here I found
virtually useless . As has been pointed out the Mdac 2.8 wont install to XP
because it says the files are already there. The second method doesnt work
either. And the third method, for OEM, the one most of us need, didnt find
the file where it should be and also has scarey registry editing stuff that
was no help at all. (The tech support guy got me to look in my registry and
couldnt find what was refered to. )
So we did a Repair using the Windows XP recovery disck...and after an
hour....that didnt make any difference either. We then did a google search
and found a patch for Mdac version 2.6 (or something). That installed but
didnt solve the problem either. I then went to have another look for my Mdac
file which I found in C/Windows/inf. Once in there it was a file which looked
like a text file and was simply called Mdac, ie not Mdac.inf which we had
expected it to be called. I right clicked it and hit install. It then asked
me to provide the Windows XP disc, and by browsing the disc I was able to
find the ADCJAVAS file and its contents were installed. I guess it must have
reinstalled the missing registry files because after that the error 19
problem was CURED! It made me a happy bunny. Only took about 7 hours today,
and goodness how many hours on other days, including an Office 2003 reinstall
which was a total waste of time. I hope this info is of use to others.

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