Error 3151 - Connection Failed



How can I tell the difference between a connection failure due to an invalid
Login and one that failes because the database is unavailable.

I have an Access 2007 application that has linked SYBASE tables from
different Databases.

after the user enteres their userID and password I have code to loop
through the database and relink the Sybase tables. The connection string is
modified using the current user's UID and password.

Error 3151 is thrown if the user enters an invalid password
Error 3151 is also thrown if the one of the SYBASE databases is

I need to find a way to distinquish between the two so I can customize what
happens next.

Note: If a connection fails when I manually connect using ODBC, I can tell
by the message if the Login was invalid.
If the user enters the wrong password/ID, I want to stop, give user warning,
and store the number of invalid attempts. (because after 3 attempts the user
is locked out of the Server and will have to contact the help desk to get
their ID reset)

If the database is offline, I want to record the DBname, then skip to the
next table and continue relinking. If/when we come across another table from
the DB that is unavailable, I want to skip it and continue until all the
tables are relinked or skipped. At the end, the user should be given a
message telling them which DB(s) were unavailable.

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