Events won't delete from iCal after removing from Entourage



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

Most of my Entourage -> iCal sync'ing works pretty well; except for deleting items. I'd guess about 50% of the future items I delete from my calendar in Entourage never get deleted in iCal. I've gone into iCal to look at the items, and they're definitely in the "Entourage" calendar. I have to manually delete them in iCal before sync'ing with my iPhone or it will have incorrect information. Any ideas why the sync services only sporadically work with items deleted from Entourage?


Anyone, anyone?

Still a problem on a BRAND new computer, with a BRAND new build.

Does anyone read these? Testing, testing, is this thing on?

Diane Ross

I don't see the original message and your entire description of your problem
is in the subject. I have no idea what version of Entourage you are using or
what version of the OS you have. Without some basic info from you, it's hard
to know what to suggest.

Go over this check list and report back with some details.


Read this article:


BTW, this is not an official Microsoft forum. We are your peers.


I don't see the original message and your entire description of your problem
is in the subject.

Hmmm? I'm looking at the thread right now and the first post has a complete description of the problem. I'll copy-n-paste it here:

"Most of my Entourage -> iCal sync'ing works pretty well; except for deleting items. I'd guess about 50% of the future items I delete from my calendar in Entourage never get deleted in iCal. I've gone into iCal to look at the items, and they're definitely in the "Entourage" calendar. I have to manually delete them in iCal before sync'ing with my iPhone or it will have incorrect information. Any ideas why the sync services only sporadically work with items deleted from Entourage?"

I forget some folks are still running 2004, sorry. I'm running 2008.
BTW, this is not an official Microsoft forum. We are your peers.

That's fine. In the last 6-8 months or more, I've posted 3 or 4 questions, none of which had gotten a single reply. I was truly asking if anyone read my question. I was about to give up on this forum, which would've been quite sad because I don't think there are any other support outlets. I'm glad you responded.

Diane Ross

Hmmm? I'm looking at the thread right now and the first post has a complete
description of the problem. I'll copy-n-paste it here:

You are assuming that everyone uses the web forum. I use a newsreader and
the original message is not showing up.
"Most of my Entourage -> iCal sync'ing works pretty well; except for deleting
items. I'd guess about 50% of the future items I delete from my calendar in
Entourage never get deleted in iCal. I've gone into iCal to look at the items,
and they're definitely in the "Entourage" calendar. I have to manually delete
them in iCal before sync'ing with my iPhone or it will have incorrect
information. Any ideas why the sync services only sporadically work with items
deleted from Entourage?"

Sync Services has lots of problems and to make it even more complicated,
each user has multiple ways they use to confuse the matter even more. There
just aren't pat answers. If it works some of the time and not all the time,
it's even harder to track down. I'm sorry there are not good answers on
this. Some users are keeping Sync Services turned off in Entourage until
they need to sync. Then they turn on only one item at a time. Sync, turn off
and sync next item.

This is a good article to help understand the process.

Everything you wanted to know about syncing. The Truth, The Whole Truth, and
Nothing But The Truth.

³Why does syncing play Gossip with my contacts?³

I forget some folks are still running 2004, sorry. I'm running 2008.

Let's verify that you are fully updated. Under "About Entourage", do
you see 12.1.5? If no, then update.
That's fine. In the last 6-8 months or more, I've posted 3 or 4 questions,
none of which had gotten a single reply. I was truly asking if anyone read my
question. I was about to give up on this forum, which would've been quite sad
because I don't think there are any other support outlets. I'm glad you

There are only a few regulars here and we try to get to all the questions,
but since Microsoft started mirroring the newsgroup to their website the
traffic has increased dramatically. We volunteer our time here and there are
just so many hours in a day. Feel free to join in and help answer some
questions. We need all the help we can get.


You are assuming that everyone uses the web forum. I use a newsreader and
the original message is not showing up.

Off topic, but, since it came up... Can I ask what you use? I'm trying to find something that would let me download these (and other) forums for later offline viewing and preferably posting replies which would get uploaded next time I'm on. I haven't found squat. Thanks.

Diane Ross

Off topic, but, since it came up... Can I ask what you use? I'm trying to find
something that would let me download these (and other) forums for later
offline viewing and preferably posting replies which would get uploaded next
time I'm on. I haven't found squat. Thanks.

I use the Entourage newsreader. It's like using email and the search options
are much better. I have the directions posted here:


As a newsreader, it's not robust, but for accessing the Office newsgroups
it's quick and simple. Others like Thunderbird for it's threading options.
It's free.


I've given up on Entourage and have migrated to the built-in OS X Apps. Mail is growing on me, considering I used to loathe it. ANYway... how do I get Entourage to quit alerting me (i.e. calendar events)? I noticed that "Microsoft Database" is still in the Login items, but I've deleted it three times and like a bad virus, it keeps coming back! Probably isn't just an Entourage utility, huh? Well, I couldn't find anything in preferences either.

I realize I could delete all the future events in the calendar, but I'd really like to know how to get rid of the 'hook' Entourage has in my system. Any help appreciated!

Diane Ross

Open Entourage. Under Entourage in the Menu bar select 'turn off reminders'

The database should never be in startup items. Are you sure it's not the
Microsoft Database daemon? The daemon is what activates reminders.


Awesome. I was making it way too hard.

I'm sure it was the daemon; I didn't mean the db itself.

Thanks for your help.

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