Excel 2003 problem




I've Excel 2003 on Windows XP. suddenly every time i open a file and press
inside a cell the SHIFT key get stuck with no apparent reason. this happans
only in excel files. i only know that this is not because of a virus. this
disables me from using excel completly

someone please help!!!!

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Yoni,
suddenly every time i open a file and press
inside a cell the SHIFT key get stuck with no apparent reason. this happans
only in excel files. i only know that this is not because of a virus. this
disables me from using excel completly

You mean that if you try to select cells you keep selecting complete areas?
This may have to do with your mouse driver, but other things may cause this as
well, see this page by McRitchie:


for a host of possible causes.


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association

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