Excel 2007 slow changing between worksheets



I would be interested in knowing what it is that sometimes causes some
worksheets in Excel to 'hang' briefly. For example, I have a workbook
with several worksheets, two of which are largely similar, but when I
select one of them it moves to it instantly, whereas the other one
takes a few seconds to display. Additionally, inserting rows in the
second take 10 seconds or so, deleting takes 3-5 seconds.

The second worksheet has more formulae in it than the first, but is
only 300 rows by 25 columns, hardly big. It has a number of off-sheet
references, although less than 1,000, which I wouldn't expect to slow
Excel down significantly. The sheet basically consists of three
identical sections, the first being the 'live' scenario for my
spreadsheet, which is made up of a template containing
=CHOOSE(Scenario number, First scenario, Second scenario). As you'd
expect the second and third templates are the inputs that the CHOOSE
function chooses between.

Originally the 'Scenario number' in the above formula was on a
different worksheet, but even when I changed this to be on the same
worksheet, the speed was not improved.

Having written the above, I think I have now just worked out what was
causing the difference. The second sheet was on 'Page Break Preview'
view, whereas the first was on 'Normal' view. When I try reversing
this, the first sheet is slow rather than the second.

Is this normal? At my work we keep all our spreadsheets in Page Break
Preview view, as there is a real focus on what the documents look like
printed (not my choice, my boss is one of those people who don't trust
anything electronic - when checking that spreadsheets are calculating
correctly, he makes us print them out and add them up with a
calculator). We have a number of spreadsheets that run very slowly,
and 'hang' if you try to group columns or hide or delete large numbers
columns or rows.

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