Export as BMP or any other picture format


Samuel Marin

Hi all.

I don't know if this has already been discussed - and I guess it must
have been - but Google can't help me at the moment and I'm on a rush as

How is it - if it is at all - possible to export a .pub composition -
Pub2003 and Pub2007 - as a .bmp picture or any other picture format that
I could import under any other application? I found the .mdi export
through Microsoft file printer emulation but I can't seem to use these

Any help appreciated. Many thanks.


Mary Sauer

Select all, right-click, save as picture, there are resolution and format
options. If there is more than one page you will have to save each page

Samuel Marin

Mary Sauer a écrit :
Select all, right-click, save as picture, there are resolution and format
options. If there is more than one page you will have to save each page

Many thanks!

N.B. MS could have provided a bit more than 300 dpi as a maximum, but
there you can't help obviously ;-)

Samuel Marin

JoAnn Paules a écrit :
Even if you do convert it to a .bmp, you still can't edit it. Is there a
reason you don't want to save it as a .jpg?
Hi and thanks.

I tend to prefer .bmp because of the quality. I need absolutely no
artefact whatsoever.
I'm wondering, though. Why are you offering .jpg as an option? Is there
a different way than that Mary Sauer pointed to me?

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