File and OneNote linking in BCM



Moving a file linked to a BCM project record brokes the link! This diminishes
the value of this feature dramatically. Who can commit himself not to make
any changes in his way to organize his documents? Well, I can't. Probably
the only way to use the possibility to link files to BCM objects is to put
all the files in a certain folder that you will NEVER MOVE anywhere or that
you will NEVER RENAME. And if you need the same files in a directory
structure organized in some other way you have to make copies or shortcuts of
them. Great, isn't it!

The same problem probably arises with email messages that I currently have
in my IMAP folders but that I will eventually have to move to some other
place. This I haven't tried yet. What happens when Outlook auto-archives
messages. Does BCM lost them in that case too? Horror!

How is BCM actually designed to be used? I have read books of BCM but these
questions haven't got any attention there. For some reason they concentrate
to praising Outlook and BCM instead of giving a critical view to what can be
done and what cannot.

Another issue is the inadequate, or should I say lacking, linking between
BCM and OneNote. It's fun to make meeting notes in OneNote and link them to
calendar events. I certainly would like to use the same tool making notes for
BCM objects too. But no way, it is simply impossible. Instead, BCM offers
another not-so-versatile editor for writing notes. Don't like it. OK these
notes go to the database and OneNote notes are in files in the file system.
And again, NEVER move them anywhere, I guess. Perhaps I should consider not
using OneNote at all for that reason... Shame, it has many tempting qualities.

Are we going to get any relief to this headache?

-- jmh

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