Font size issue -- important for visually impaired




Entourage 2004 11.3.1
MacOS 10.4.8

Is there a way to make HTML text transmission and or rendering more

I'm exchanging emails in English with a guy in Eastern Europe who is
visually impaired. He's using Outlook 2002 on WinXP.

His visual acuity is such that he requires at least 16-point type to be able
to read messages, so he writes in Arial-18 and I reply in Times-18

When I compose a message or enter a reply to his emails, I _always_ use
Times-18, at least I think I do. When replying, I typically copy a few
characters of Times-18 and paste those where I want to start a new paragraph
of my reply -- easier than manipulating the font selection boxes. Those
boxes show Times-18 and the text I enter looks right for those settings.

But some of the text I send randomly arrives in his inbox as 12 point, and
he has to manually increase the size so he can see it -- a pain. I know
that HTML rendering is a bit approximate, but this big a change is beyond
that. Today some paragrraphs arrived from him in 24-point Arial, which is
much bigger than necessary, and I'm certain he didn't use that. Other
paragraphs arrived as 12-point. No problem for me... Except if I'm going to
quote that text in my reply.

Is there a way to make HTML text rendering more consistent so that what I
I'm typing in Times-18 is rendered at the receiving end as reasonably close
to that size? And vice-versa, in the other direction?

Note: I don't think it will be possible to change email clients on either



(e-mail address removed) remove 'zzz'

Diane Ross

Is there a way to make HTML text rendering more consistent so that what I
I'm typing in Times-18 is rendered at the receiving end as reasonably close
to that size? And vice-versa, in the other direction?

Send your messages in Plain Text. The settings for plain text only affect
what YOU see and not what the sender receives. The receiver will see the
messages with THEIR preferences. When setting plain text, choose what you
like. This is a great feature, especially if you like larger fonts for easy
viewing. However, the font and size you choose for HTML messages
(proportional) do reflect the default font for outgoing HTML mail and is the
what recipient will see.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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