get rid of lines on graphics



I am creating a small company website in Publisher 2007. The pages contain
many graphics that look fine on the screen; however, when previewed in
Explorer, lines appear on the top borders of the graphics.

The first version of the site also had this problem when uploaded on our web
server but only with a few of the graphics. This time around it seems to
happen more often than not.

What am I doing wrong and how can I get rid of them? I ran the "design
checker" and nothing pops up there.


Can you provide a link to a page where we can see this effect?

Did you compress the pictures after inserting them into your publication?

Did you use any borders around the pictures, and if so, did you use
something other than a plain border?



The old website is still online at Some graphics show this
line (the WIS logo for one). I am in the process of redoing this website
because the index somehow got corrupted.

No, I did not compress the photos nor did I add borders.

Thanks for getting back so quickly and appreciate any help you can give.



Did you notice the link back to the home page

I assume that this is still the OLD site ???



I suspect the problem is with the gradient background you are using.
Gradients are problematic and tricky to use in web and print publications.
Try switching your background to a solid light gray color and see if that
eliminates the lines. That could be your easiest fix.

If the gradient background is the problem, you can either change the
background, live with lines or try changing the images. On your first page
the WIS logo is the most prominent example of a line on the top. Is this a
transparent .gif file, or is the background color white? If white, you might
try changing it to a transparent .gif format, and get rid of the white

Another possible fix. Select the image > format > picture > size tab (or
right click to access the format picture dialog). Check the scale of the it at 100% and at full size? If it isn't then either resize the
image in a third party image editor to the exact size you want, so that it
is scaled and viewed at 100%, and/or you can try the compress picture
feature in Pub 2007. Select the picture > format > picture > picture tab. At
the bottom of that dialog you will see a compress button. Click it, and in
the Compress Pictures dialog make the appropriate choices...but at this
point apply to the selected picture only, while you are experimenting. Now
the scale of the picture should be 100%. Test and see if that made any
difference in the line.

In general, under Format > Picture look at the formatting, sizing and scale
of the images that have the line as compared to the ones that don't. That
should give you a clue as to how you have to resample, reformat or resize
the images in order to get rid of the lines.

A few things to keep in mind as you experiment with the images. Publisher
outputs images at 96 dpi for web publications. That means that if you use a
third party image editor to optimize your images, you should use 96 dpi
instead of the usual default of 72 dpi, to get optimal results when you
publish your site. Otherwise, the image optimized at 72 dpi will be again
resampled when you publish your site and you will end up with an image
slightly larger than if you had used a 96 dpi image to begin with, and
sometimes the quality suffers. This 96/72 dpi web optimization choice, may
alone be the reason some of your images are showing the line on the top.

Also keep in mind that the compress pictures feature in Publisher does not
resample any pictures smaller than 100 kb. While it is a good practice to
compress all the images in your publication before publishing, you should
optimize images of less than 100 kb in the third party image editor before
inserting them, and not rely on Publisher to optimize them for you. Actually
for optimum results, I always optimize and size images before inserting...

Let us know what if any solution you come up with for future reference. As
you can tell, I am guessing here as to the actual cause of the problem in
your case and the solution, as I cannot reproduce your problem.

As per the menu corruption, I think Spike caught the error...




Good catch. It would appear that Sherry published at least one time with the
home page named and saved as "Wis index.htm". I suspect that the easiest fix
will be to delete the old Publisher web files off the server, and republish
new files with the links written correctly. Since I see a form on the site,
she probably is using HTTP uploading and FPSE, so that also means she might
need to not only delete all the Pub web files, but also uninstall and
reinstall the FPSE before she republishes...I think.



I do not care for the FPSE form mailer
Your email address is readily available for the spammer crawlers to catch


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