Getting started with entourage and newserver / considering DayLite


Helen South

Hello everyone, I'm just switching to entourage and clicked news service to
see what happened... A little 'overwhelm' risk here I think!

Any tips on the best way to get started with Entourage - good 'quick start'
guides or useful links?

I get loads of work email, with things like user submissions for my website
that I need to organize until I'm ready to upload them, then keeping the
contacts for future reference (without clogging up contacts I regularly
use). Then there's things like work elists, and things that need to be
followed up, such as contacts who might write a guest article or websites
I'd like to link to.

Most discussion of this type of program that I've seen so far seems to
revolve around managing customer databases and sales, so I'm interested to
learn how others doing 'non sales' - especially people working online - use
Entourage for best effect.

I was considering DayLite, but it seems that entourage will do what I need
without the expense - I don't need the multi-user aspect. Unless it has
other great features I should consider?

Oh, and I haven't used this type of newsgroup before. The 300 messages
showing in the sidebar aren't actually downloaded, are they - I'm just
reading them on the net, right?

Many thanks


Helen South

Oh, this is excellent, thank you. An excellent blog, too. Should keep me
busy reading for a while.



Barry Wainwright [MVP]

You're welcome :)

Microsoft MVP (see for details)
Visit the Entourage User's Weblog for hints tips & troubleshooting for
Microsoft entourage:

From: Helen South <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 17:06:18 +1000
Subject: Re: Getting started with entourage and newserver / considering

Oh, this is excellent, thank you. An excellent blog, too. Should keep me
busy reading for a while.




Any tips on the best way to get started with Entourage - good 'quick start'
guides or useful links?

I get loads of work email, with things like user submissions for my website
that I need to organize until I'm ready to upload them, then keeping the
contacts for future reference (without clogging up contacts I regularly
use). Then there's things like work elists, and things that need to be
followed up, such as contacts who might write a guest article or websites
I'd like to link to.

Rule Basics:

There are 3 different kind of rules in Entourage:

Mailing List Manager (MLM)
Junk Mail Filter
Rules (custom rules you create)

They run in the order listed above. The custom rules also run in the order
they are listed. (top runs first)

Use the MLM for all lists. Use rules for the remainder. Try to use
categories instead of individual addresses when possible. When a new address
is added to a contact in the Address Book then it will automatically be
acted on by the rule if you use categories in your rules. See example:


1) POP Rules act on a message ONLY when it first arrives in the Inbox (On My
Computer), NOT when it arrives in any other folder. Once it's moved to
another folder it won't be seen by rules.

2) IMAP Rules are meant to act on a message ONLY when it first arrives in
the IMAP INBOX, not when moved to another IMAP folder.

3) Exchange Rules act on a message ONLY when it first arrives in the
Exchange Inbox.

See "Using Rules with Entourage" for help and examples:


Get Started Lesson on using Rules:

Let's say you have no custom rules created. You have a ton of mail in your
Inbox and Junk folder . If it's in your Junk folder and it's good mail,
select "This is not junk" and add the entry to your Address Book.
[IMPORTANT] Having an up to date Address Book is key to managing your mail
and using rules. Assign a category to every entry in your Address Book. You
can select using command-select to quickly add a lot of entries to one

Select the first message in your InBox. Can this message be sorted by
a category like Work, Buddy, Family, Announcements, Newsletters? If yes,
then assign a category to the contact and set a rule.

My Buddy Rule:

From is in category Buddy
Is not in a mailing list

Move to folder Buddy
Run AppleScript Play sound (I like to use this action so I can hear when I
get mail from my buddies)


Look through other email in the Inbox and see if there are other emails
there from Buddies. Assign categories to these contacts if you haven't
already assigned in
your Address Book and run "All Rules". (select all messages-control click
and select all rules) This will move all buddy mail from
your Inbox.

Take the next message, create a rule. Can you assign this to a category, or
do you need a specialized rule?

Some specialized rules you might want:

Remove incoming attachments with one of the "remove attachment" scripts.
They will save, remove and link the saved files to the message, so you can
open the file directly from the message.



Also remove your outgoing attachments with a rule. This is assuming your
outgoing attachments are stored elsewhere on your computer. No need to have
them duplicated and filling up your database.


I suggest that you create a rule for Junk Mail where "From is Me".

This catches the real spam where it appears the mail is from you and not
mail you send yourself. I like the first example. I haven't met a spammer
yet that uses Entourage for a sending client.

Junk Mail where "From is Me"


Last, I HIGHLY suggest you use a nospam address for posting on newsgroups.


Hope this helps.

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