Groove Relay



Hello everyone. I have servers sitting in a data center and I am attempting
to do some groove hosting for some companies i work for. We did some testing
about two weeks ago and everything was working perfectly. However, I have
started adding users throught the groove management server, and when they
login, they recieve the following type message:

"Groove was unable to register relay "" for account john doe.

I have searched High and low, but cant find anything on this. Has anyone
else heard of this, and if so, what needs to be changed? My next step is
actually to call support, but i figured I would try here first.


There can be a couple of factors regarding your Groove client's (mis)
A good place to start would be to look at the Communications Manager dialog
box. (Select Options-Communications Manager to display the Communications
Manager dialog box). Under here, you can see the 'Network Settings' - this
shows you all the Advanced settings between your Groove client and
corresponding servers (Relay, Mgmnt, Presence, etc). Copy-Paste-Print the
settings and examine contents.

(You may also want to have this posting at the
microsoft.public.groove.servers forum instead of this forum).



sbc111 atspamnot gmail dotty com


Pickup Groove Developer workspaces: (bottom of page)


yea i checked there. Everything is the same on on the machines that recieve
this message has mine. i do not recieve the message. It only seems to be
affecting new accounts that i create. i will post in the other forum has
well. Any other ideas?


I suspect that the problem here is that we do not have any Service Provider
Licence for Groove which might be preventing you from Managibg a Relay for a
different Company. I would call support if I where you


This actually a problem with the Audit Service being installed on same
machine has the manager. It has to be installed documentation,
and I had to pay for that answer, so eat it up.

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