'Grouping' TextBoxes with .gif Picture


Graham Scott

I have a Word 2000 document in which each page consists of a .gif inserted
from a file, with one or more TextBoxes positioned on top of it. Is there a
way to fix the position of the TextBoxes on the Picture object, so that the
TextBoxes will move with the image if, for example, I change the margins or
indentation for a section Conceptually, I suppose what I really want to do
is put the Picture and the TextBoxes into a Group, but this doesn't seem to
be possible unless I am missing something. Any ideas gratefully received!

Graham Scott

Suzanne S. Barnhill

In order to group the graphic with the text boxes, it will have to be in the
drawing layer. In Word 2000 it has been inserted inline by default. Click on
the picture to display the Picture toolbar. Click the Text Wrapping button
(dog icon) and choose some other wrapping style.

Graham Scott

Suzanne, thanks very much - think that is going to work. I wont embarass
myself by saying how long I looked for the answer before posting... Thanks

Graham Scott.

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