How to map local resource to enterprice resource?


Weerayuth S.

Dear Sirs/Madams

I need help.
I want to know how to map a local resource to an enterprice resource.
We are using MS Project 2003 EPM SP2 with PWA.

In my enterprise project file, I have many resources, most of the resources
are already enterprice resources. But I still have 5-6 local resources, which
I wanted to map to corresponding enterprise resources. How? What's the
correct command or procedure? Please help.

I knew, when I first imported local project to be enterprise project.
I can use import project wizard to map local resources to be enterprise
resources. But then after I used that enterprice project file for a while. I
have created additional local resources and I later wanted to map these
additional local resources to be enterprise resources.

Weerayuth S.

Weerayuth S.

Dear Dale,

I read the document, but it is not exactly what I meant.
The document guide how to reassign remaining assignment from one recource to
another resource whice is quite helpful.

But my question is "how to map local resource to enterprise resource".

For example, I have a local resource named "Programer1" in my enterprise
project file with some assignments. I would like to replace this local
resource (Programer1) and all his assignments with an enterprise resource
named "Dale Howard". How should I do this?

Can I do it like this?
1. Using command Tools> Build team from enterprise...
2. Select enterprise resource (Dale Howard) then replace with local resource

Please suggest.

Thank you and best regards,

Weerayuth S.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Weerayuth S --

Yes, you can use the Build Team dialog, provided that the enterprise
resource is not already a member of the project team. In your example, if
Dale Howard is already a member of the project team and assigned tasks, you
cannot use the Build Team dialog to replace Programmer1 with Dale Howard.
Therefore, you should fall back to the FAQ as the solution to your problem.
Or, if you are willing to spend the time, you can do the following (but this
will be SLOW):

1. Click Window - Split.
2. Select a task to which Programmer1 is assigned (even if it has
in-progress or completed work).
3. In the lower pane, select the Programmer1 resource in the Resource Name
pick list and then pick Dale Howard.
4. Repeat this process for every task that the local resource is assigned

Hope this helps.

Weerayuth S.

Yes, thank you very much.
In my case the enterprise resource is not a team member yet.
So, I can do with "Build team".
If in the future, I face this problem again with enterprise resource who's
already in my project team, then I can use the method from FAQ.

Thank you very much.

By the way, everytime I use local resource in my enterprise project, I will
have to change resource workgroup from Default --> None to prevent spooler
error during publishing. What does it means to set resource's workgroup
default --> None?

Are there any method to set all created local resource's workgroup default
value to "None" instead of "Default"?

Thank you for your kind help.

Weerayuth S.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Weerayuth S --

Yes, every time you create a new local resource in a project in Project
Server 2003, you must set the Workgroup value to None for the resource.
This indicates to Project Server that the local resource will not be using
the Project Server system, and prevents the nasty "Manager cannot create the
resource account..." spooler errors. There is no way to create a local
resource with the Workgroup set to none by default. You must do it manually
each time you create a new local resource. Hope this helps.

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