How to see unapproved Tasks in Project Web Access 2007


Randy Schmid

I've see the 2003 instructions, but I'm not finding the 2007 answer so I'll
ask ....
I am an administrator in a Project Server 2007 environment. I have multiple
approving managers world-wide. I'd like a way to see task updates, submitted
by their team members, but are not yet approved. Is there a way in 2007?


I've see the 2003 instructions, but I'm not finding the 2007 answer so I'll
ask ....
I am an administrator in a Project Server 2007 environment.  I have multiple
approving managers world-wide.  I'd like a way to see task updates, submitted
by their team members, but are not yet approved.  Is there a way in 2007?

The only way you can view all their time is if you are the Status
Manager for the tasks and you go into the Task Updates screen. If the
approving managers are currently the Status Managers then you would
have to remove them and add yourself in this role (which then makes it
so that they cannot see the submitted task updates in the Task update

The onyl work around I know of is to create a new admin account that
you and the approving managers can log into and set it as the Status
Manger. This might not work for you as this will most likely negate
any of the individual permissions and settings you have for them (they
can see all projects and approve all tasks, not just theirs).

Hopefully this helps you out!


Randy Schmid

Thanks Bryan! I was afraid this might be the answer, but I had to ask.

For others with this quandry, there is an "inclusive" approach to the
problem (i.e., rather than look for who currently has unapproved time, you
can look to see who is approved). I use the Resource Usage view, activate
"Actual Work", and set your timescale to 1 day. Then scan down to see who
has no entry for the date in question. If everyone on the team is filled in,
chances are all time is in. If there are a few holes, you can track those
individuals (or their approving managers) down.

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