Importing data



Please see the discussion (below) from the general questions board. I am not
a developer (some people call me underdeveloped concerning computers!). Do
you think this task is beyond my capabilities? If not, how do I do it? If I
could do this, it would save myself and my group MASSIVE amounts of data
entry time.

I appreciate any guidance.

Hi Jim and Jobu,

Pardon me for bumping in. Sadly the Import List button only allows you
to import a *value list* already established in another project file.
(I remembered the import list button and tried importing a straight list
from another project's text1 field -- no joy).

It may be possible to populate the list through a macro. If have some
VBA skills and need assistance, I suggest posting your questions to the
Project Developer newsgroup.

Short of VBA, I think it may be a typing chore.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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I beleive there is an import values, but it only applies to Projects.
You probably need to have that column of numbers in the Text1 column of a
Project1.mpp file and then have that open at the same time as YourFile.mpp.
Try right clicking on the colum you want to make as the drop down,
select Customize Fields, Value LIst. Is there an Import routine there? If
this post was helpful, please consider rating it.

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Not exactly, my answer assumed you were importing task data from
Excel into Project along with dates, task names, etc. I assumed that those
had a WO.
What is in the Excel file, a single column of unique WOs?

I am making an assumption that the import wizard at least populated the WO
column for you coming in from Excel and that you used a Text column (ie:
Text2, Text18, etc) for the data. If that didn't work, I suggest the
copy/paste method as long as there is a one for one match on the rows and
your WO data in Excel is known and good.

What I have done is make an assumption that the data in the Excel columns is
perfect. That is, you have verified that each WO in Excel is correct with no
typo's etc. The reason to do that is to avoid data inconsistencies when the
drop down is created separately.

To create the dropdown selection list, rigth click on the WO column (Text1)
and select Custmize Fields. Select Value List. The list can be populated and
you may restrict selection to members of the list, or, allow new list entries
via the check boxes at the bottom of the dialog box.

As long as you enter all the values on your WO column, you will not lose any
data. You should do a sanity check when complete.

If you need additional information, please post back.
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jobu9999 said:
Please see the discussion (below) from the general questions board. I am not
a developer (some people call me underdeveloped concerning computers!). Do
you think this task is beyond my capabilities? If not, how do I do it? If I
could do this, it would save myself and my group MASSIVE amounts of data
entry time.

I appreciate any guidance.


The simple answer to your question is "yes", it can be done with VBA.
And the answer to your second question is "no", the necessary macro code
is very doable if you are willing to learn some VBA.

If you are new to VBA, I suggest you consider getting a copy of fellow
MVP, Rod GIll's book on VBA. You can find out more about it at,
Project VBA Book, for details visit:
or on-line training at,
Web based VBA training course delivered by me. For details visit:

If you do not want to learn VBA or don't have the time, you could also
hire someone to write the code for you.

Project MVP

Jim Aksel

I think this will get you started, I chopped it out of another form we use
and made a change to protect the guilty. You can run it and see that it will
give you a dropdown with 4 items in it along with their descriptions. You
can always leave the description off.

Sub Macro1()
SelectTaskColumn Column:="Text1"
CustomFieldValueListAdd FieldID:=pjCustomTaskText1, Value:="WO1",
Description:="WO Desc 1"
CustomFieldValueListAdd FieldID:=pjCustomTaskText1, Value:="WO2",
Description:="WO Desc 2"
CustomFieldValueListAdd FieldID:=pjCustomTaskText1, Value:="WO3",
Description:="WO Desc 3"
CustomFieldValueListAdd FieldID:=pjCustomTaskText1, Value:="WO4",
Description:="WO Desc 4"
CustomFieldValueList FieldID:=pjCustomTaskText1, ListDefault:=False,
RestrictToList:=True, DisplayOrder:=pjListOrderDefault
CustomFieldProperties FieldID:=pjCustomTaskText1,
Attribute:=pjFieldAttributeValueList, SummaryCalc:=pjCalcNone,
GraphicalIndicators:=False, Required:=False
End Sub

Here is what you need to do...
If you want to use a column other than Text1, change it.
Where you see
CustomFieldValueListAdd FieldID:=pjCustomTaskText1, Value:="WO1",
Description:="WO Desc 1"

You are going to need a line like that for every on of your WO numbers....
BUT, Excel can save you.

In Excel, make a forumula in column B to concatentate that exact string for
you including all the quotes, etc. Instead of WO1 you would put & A1 & so
it will copy the contents of cell A1 into the display. Drag the formula down
for your 200 records (A1 changes to A2, A3, A4... as you drag)
Now, copy the new text from Column B and past it into the macro above
instead of the lines I typed for you.

You can recreate the Macro yourself by recording the steps to create a
custom drop down list.
If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.

It''s software; it''s not allowed to win.

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Jim Aksel

You are quite welcome --- I can see you've already paid me by putting a check
mark next to my name.
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It''s software; it''s not allowed to win.

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Dean C

I realize this is a year late, but I just noticed it. I'm replying for future
searchers who find this.

I'm amazed that Julie and John missed the simple solution. Once you have
created your custom field using John's directions, check the box for allow
new list entries and save the custom field. Copy the data from Excel and
paste the data into your schedule. Save the file then empty the contents of
your custom field. The field will retain data that you pasted and deleted.


Good catch Dean. I'll also add it's important to select the option
"Append new entries to the value list" in order to have the pasted
items automatically add to the value list. (Project 2003)

In 2007 the options appear under the grouping "Data entry options" and
new items are automatically added to the list.

Sometimes I'm amazed at what I miss.



No to worry. That's what's nice about the newsgroups -- what one
misses someone else will usually catch.


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