Inserting a DocVariable field in a textbox




First thanks for all your help so far, it's been great.

I have a couple of issues:
- I have some Document Variables that doesn't change when I change it
in the text form field (the thing is I have some that work and some
that don't, they're all treated the same way). What should I be
looking for to check why the Document Variable doesn't change? I've
recalled it by Insert-Field-DocVariable within the text. Some change
and some don't when I change the text in the form field.

- I have a Document Variable that works fine when I recall them in the
text (Insert-Field-DocVariable). However when I insert the
DocVariable in a textbox in a picture, that DocVariable doesn't
change. Is this inherent within Word? How can I make the DocVariable
change in a textbox? As an example, if I have a picture of rectangle
with text boxes for Width and Length and I have a text FormField for
the Width and Length, I'd like the Width and Length to change as I
change the text in the forms.

Thank you,

Andre S


Hi Andre,

It is necessary to access each of the story ranges in the document and issue
a command to update the fields in each.

See the article “Using a macro to replace text where ever it appears in a
document including Headers, “ at:

for some information on this.

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.
Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Charles Kenyon

When you say "text form field" are we talking about a field you insert in a
document using the Forms toolbar? If so, you want the properties for that
field to have "calculate on exit" checked. You do not want a DocVariable
field to access this. Document variables are only set using a macro, not in
formfields. You want to use a REF field.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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