I think you will find that what the course means is "Set your line spacing
to what Microsoft Word calls "single spacing"". Or "what Microsoft Word
calls "double spacing".
You cannot run Times New Roman 12 points on a 12-point line height. Trust
me on this

(Try it: set some text to 12 on 12 and print it: it's nearly
The closest you ca get it is 12 on 14, and Microsoft Word sets TNR at 12 on
Your line height should ALWAYS be "120 per cent of the font height" for
'compact' fonts such as Times New Roman. Some decorative fonts need a bit
And no: there is no way to change Word's defaults, but you can change the
styles in the templates that you use so that whenever YOU create a document,
it will be set the way YOU like it.
Use Format>Style>Modify to set the properties of each style that you use to
the measures you would like. Then check the "Add to Template" checkbox on
the way out to force Word to write your changes back to the template you are
using. After that, each new document you start from that template will have
those measurements pre-set.
A "style" is simply a named collection of formatting properties. Styles
give you the opportunity to set all of your formatting measurements once in
your life, then use them for the rest of your life. And of course, you can
change them instantly if you change your mind.
Hint: Investigate the built-in styles. There is a large number of them,
and most of them are pretty close to what you will end up using. You will
save a LOT of time
Hope this helps
Hi John, that makes sense to me--thanks for the information. Is there anyway
to change this so that it is set to a true single space and double space?
Also, if I am typing in Times New Roman size 12 font, true single spacing
would be set to "Exactly 12 point". Is double spacing set to "Exactly 24
(Sorry I have to write lab reports for a college course and they are
incredibly picky about this!)
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John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:
[email protected]