Line Spacing


Taylor Francis

Is there a way to reduce the spacing between lines for a slight textual
overlap? I tried putting -1pt in the line spacing box (it says -1 is
valid) but it doesn't work. I think the word for what I'm trying to
adjust is kerning, but I can get it to work....

Here's what I want to do...
I have the following text...

| | | | | |

When it prints, there is a slight gap between the vertical bars. I'd
like them to touch or overlap slightly...

Any ideas?



Is there a way to reduce the spacing between lines for a slight textual
overlap? I tried putting -1pt in the line spacing box (it says -1 is
valid) but it doesn't work.

In Word 97, Format Paragraph allows you to set line spacing to
"Exactly" some setting. Try setting it to a couple of points lower
than your font setting. I didn't print out my test, but it appeared to
work when I viewed my test text at 500%.


Try Format | Font and Condense it under the Character Spacing tab.

The original poster was concerned about line spacing, not character
spacing I believe. :)

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