Looking for information regarding mail merge



I can download data into work but need to know more about mail merge. Where
can I get information?


Julie Robitaille

Doing a mail merge is quite simple -

Use the mail merge wizard and it talks you through it quite easily. The
easiest way is to work from a word table that has already been set up.

You need to set up columns in a word table as such:

Each column has to have a 1 word heading

Name (I do first, last names in separate cells)
address2 (there is a setting where you can leave empty cells and it won't
show in the final format)

If I am doing a letter I also do a Dear column. (I'll address the person
who I am sending the letter to by Mr. Ms. or appropriate title)

Once the table is populated, save it and close it. You are ready to go!

Click on "Tools"
Click on Mail Merge, choose "Options" at the bottom

1. Choose the document you are going to create, Letters, Catalog or labels.
2. Get Data from your word table you created earlier by choosing open data
3. you will be prompted to set up your main document (i.e. Labels, using
the template chooser or envelopes, the size, etc...
4. Then you will insert your merge fields, Click on what you want, and
don't forget to put spaces and commas where you need them!
5. once that is set, click on Mail merge and voila'! you are done!

Or if you like go to my web site http://ras.optjava.com I am a virtual
assistant and this project I can do quite easily for your firm.

I'll do mailing labels, letters even a database in Access. I also design
post cards, brochures, etc. and coordinate mailings.

Please contact me if you wish to discuss this matter further!

Good luck!

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