Mail merge on postcards?


Steve Grosz

Ok, I have a postcard print job set up and would like to customize it by
adding the users info.

I can merge the data just fine, but when I print-preview the job, it shows
the same name on 2 seperate cards, on the same sheet.

So on sheet 1 card 1, I see : contact1
On sheet 1 card 2: contact1
Sheet 2 card 1: contact2
Sheet 2 card 2: contact2

How can I have different name on each card so I'm not wasting paper?

Mary Sauer

What version Publisher? In Publisher 2002 & 03 print preview showed the same
name on merged documents and labels. It is a Publisher bug. There is a check off
in the print screen for a test print if you are uncertain.

If you are using 2007, File, Print merge, select multiple pages per sheet.

Steve Grosz

Ok, kinda frustrating. I picked my paper template as a Office Depot 916-714
which shows my design in a portrait style.

When I go to print the design on a color laser, I select the printer, tell
it that I want 'multiple pages per sheet', and print a test page.

It prints the design sideways! And I only get 1 card on a page, even though
the paper template has room for 2, it fills in the 1st page on the top, and
the back page on the bottom..... (that make sense???)

So what am I doing wrong??

Mary Sauer

I don't think you are doing anything wrong. When you are ready to print your
merge, are you going to File, Print Merge? This is where you select multiple
pages per sheet. There is a print preview on this screen. I am only getting one
card in a test print, but if I type 1,2 in the page range I get a correct test

Publisher 2007 is full of surprises...

Steve Grosz

Yes, if I select 'file > print merge' and then select 2 copies, and entries
as 1,2 I see in the print preview the first sheet of the design (the graphic
portion) and then for card 2 on the 1st sheet, the merge info for the card,
then on page 2, I see again, the graphic portion in the first postcard, and
the merge info in the 2nd postcard position.....

I am selecting multiple pages per sheet.......

Mary Sauer

Okay, I finally saw the light... I cannot get a proper print with a two page
setup. If there were 4 cards to the page it can be done. My suggestion would be
to create two publications, one for the merge side and one for the informational
side. Do the merge, turn the stack over and do the other side.


Can someone help me with a problem. I am setting up a merge document in
Publisher 2002 and can only get the first name to come through on the
document and can't see where I can put in a field to get the "next" record.


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