Making the Task Name be a Hyperlink


Brian Lukanic

I believe the answer to my question is "no," however I will ask anyway:

Can I make the task name field be a hyperlink? I know that you can assign a
hyperlink to any task and that the indicator will show the hyperlink icon,
but I want my users to see a blue underline on the task name itself, not have
to go to a different field (indicators or even the hyperlink field.) What I
want is one field (Task Name) that is a hyperlink.

That is, I want the view to be a display task that looks like a regular
task, but on the backend I want to be able to program it as a hyperlink. I
know that you can enter a full HTML address in the Task Name field and it
will take it as a link, but I want a "pretty" display in the Name field, not
a full URL.

I keep trying to enter tasks in the syntax of <a href="">Task
1</a> but of course Project is not an HTML viewer.

The reason I am unhappy with the defaut options is because our Project
schedules get put on Project Server. And I want the non-project stakeholders
to be able to quickly launch these links without having to think - most
people I know don't even realize that little icon is a hyperlink. So in the
end, this is a usability thing for the occasional user that I am trying to

Andrew Lavinsky

Not quite what you're looking for, but you can enter the address in Hyperlink
Address field, and then the "pretty" name in the Hyperlink field.

Then just publish the project and customize a view to replace the Name field
with the Hyperlink field. That will get you what you're looking for with
the exception that the header of the column says "Hyperlink" and not "Name."
Make that a training issue and it all works out fine.

Just a suggestion.


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