Mapping from Access to Project


Mike Atkinson

Trying to Map from an Access Database into Project, Task
information goes across ok, but resource and assignment
data produces junk. I am obviously mapping it incorrectly
but have been unable to find a source which specifies the
format/meaning of the fields which can be mapped.
Basically I am wanting to specify Resource Availabilty so
that I can Resource Level in Project.
Information I am trying to map is

Avail From - as Date and Time
Avail To - as Date and Time
Resource Name - as Text
Units Available - as a number

When the data goes across it produces a resource for each
time period rather than summing them together.

Anyone got the solution as I am sure it must have been
done before.

Thanks in advance

Mike Atkinson



All of the information you are having trouble with should be contained
in the Resource Pool. If you are on MSP 2000, you should have a Global
Resource Pool that all projects share. On MSP 2002, you would have an
Enterprise Resource pool. In either case, availability information is
contained here.


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