Memory issue with inserted images



We are running into an issue with inserting large images into Visio. Here's
what we are doing.

- Create a new Visio document
- Insert a large image (3000x2500 pixels) onto a page
- Create a new page
- Insert another large image
- Continue doing this for several pages. Finally the insert won't display
the image. It will display a large X where the image should be

We've watched the memory usage of Visio and it's increasing about 50 Meg
every time you insert an image. When the memory usage gets around 600 Meg,
you will get the large X.

I understand that Visio probably needs to uncompress these images to display
them. But why doesn't it free the memory after you leave the page? If you
save the document and reopen it, the memory usage won't be that high and you
can then insert new images into the document. The memory usage will however,
go back up if you view all the pages.

Is there anything we can do about this issue? Is there some setting in
Visio? We need the images to be this large because we want high quality
print outs.

Mark Nelson [MS]

Visio does not unload drawing pages from memory once you display them. Most
users would be pretty unhappy with the performance delay switching between
pages if Visio did that. Visio 2002 stores all images in memory and on disk
as bitmaps. Visio 2003 tries to leave images in their native form, which
may be significantly smaller than the size of a bitmap. Visio 2003 also has
compression options for images.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


I found the compression settings on the picture. Changes this isn't going to
work because it removes the transparency that we have in the PNG file.

Mark Nelson [MS]

It looks like Visio will not free the memory until the file is closed.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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