Moving data to another worksheet



My company receives a spreadsheet from another company with information
reported in an unusual format, something like this:

Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading
Data Data Data Data Data
Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading
Data Data Data Data Data
Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading
Data Data Data Data Data

I don't know why they format the information in this manner, and I
can't get them to change their report. I am stuck with this.

This would be one set of information, and there is a variable # of
these information sets each week contained in the report. I would like
to pull this information out append it to another spreadsheet across
one row at the bottom of the current dataset.

Anybody have any ideas?

Dave Peterson

Each heading row is identical to the others?

Apply Data|Filter|autofilter to the range
show the headings
delete those visible rows
data|filter|show all data

Copy the remaining range where you want.

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