Moving from Access DB



Looking for a solution to move FROM an Access DB to something bigger and
which can be multi-user. Currently uses a local Access DB (not networked)
that is copied to the network so the next user can Access. Has anyone
upgraded from Access to something more multi-user friendly?

Pat Hartman\(MVP\)

Access IS a multi-user database. Why aren't you sharing it now? BTW -
there isn't anything more user friendly than Access.

Tom Wickerath


Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Apparently you have little or no experience with the multi-user capabilities
of Access. Theoretically, Access will support 255 concurrent users. In
actuality, it is far lower. I have slightly over 50 concurrent users in my
database. (8 using an asp interface, 10 to 11 using Terminal Server, and the
rest on a LAN.

For a typical multi-user application, you MUST split the database, putting
ONLY the data tables on the server and a copy of everything else on each
workstation. You will find Access more multi-user friendly (in terms of ease
of use and speed of development) than almost any other system. Depending
upon your skill as a database designer, you'll want to consider moving to a
larger system only when you've exceeded a few dozen users and a few hundred
megabytes of data. You also will require a server based system if you are
storing personal information which requires a highly secure server (like
patient medical records or Social Security Numbers).
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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