Multi-column, multi-query report



I have a list of classes and I want to create a catalog of all the classes.
Each class has a category - computer, english, arts. Each class is held at a
specific location - main campus, remote campus, off-campus.

I want to create a report that lists first all classes grouped by category,
then the same classes listed by location in a two column snaking format.

Here's a brief example of what I want:

Learning Access - Main Campus
Learning Powerpoint - Main Campus
Learning Word - Remote Campus

Editing - Remote Campus

Main Campus
Learning Access
Learning Powerpoint

Remote Campus
Learning Word

I've created a report using a query that finds the classes I want. I tell it
to group on category, then location. Then I place a sub-report in the report
footer, and it prints ALMOST the way I want. But because of the bug I can't
use down, then over, I can only use over and down in the sub report. And this
won't work because I need things arranged alpha going down.

Any recommendations on how to do this?
Again, I want one table, with basically one query, that groups once, then
after printing all of that first group, it groups again on a second field and
prints all records after that.

I DON'T want a report that groups, then groups again like if that makes any
sense. The subreport option would work, but because it's multi-column, and
I've selected No to the Can Grow option, Access 2003 doesn't allow for
snaking down, then over in subreports or so it seems.

Thanks for ANY ideas. I'm just stumped.

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