Multiple Warnings



Is is possible to create a form (fmWarnings) that will show multiple warnings
about another form (fmForm1), where the number of warnings is dependent on
fmForm1 (ranging from 1-4 warnings)? Each warning should have options (radio
buttons, possibly) for actions to take on each of the warnings (ie accept
current values, change to past value). These will be acted on after clicking
a button on fmWarnings.

Thanks for any suggestions you have,

Jeff Boyce


"Warnings" about what?

Are you using this approach to provide validation of the data entered on the
first form? If so, you can do that in the first form's BeforeUpdate event,
rather than creating a second form...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


I am closing jobs, and there are some fields that should cause some follow
up. For example, if the profit margin is over 30%, I would like to be warned
so I can double check all of the costs and billing. If the acting Sales Rep
is different from the Sales Rep that started the job, I may change it back to
the original, or keep the acting Sales Rep, depending on when the switch
happened. I want to warn if one of the fields is null, to make sure that it
was noticed. It is allowed to be null, but I want to make sure it is
intentional. So none of these are rules that CAN'T be broken, they're really
just warnings. And there are enough of them it would be really annoying to
bypass three to find out that you have to actually look into the fourth,
which is why I'm hoping for one form.

I hope that helps with understanding, and thanks!

Jeff Boyce


"validation" could be "must be entered values" or could mean "were you aware
that ...?" or could mean ...

If you want to display all of the 'warnings' after the user is finished
filling in the form and before saving it, one possibility is to use the
BeforeUpdate event and display a message box with the 'warnings'. This
would save you having to create a new form, fill it with the appropriate
warnings, display it, close it down, and proceed.

Of course, the same BeforeUpdate logic that would let you use a message box
would let you use your extra form. I can imagine either way working, but
the latter seems like a bit more work.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Okay. That all makes sense. Is it possible to add buttons on this message
box for each of the warnings so you can choose what to do about each issue
then? I think the design element that's tripping me up is how to only show
the warnings and appropriate buttons for those that are appplicable, and to
act on those and only those when leaving the message box or form. I'm
thinking there may be a visible or ifexists function I could use to check if
the warning applies?

Jeff Boyce

Nope! It sounds like with what you want to do, you'll need to use your
original idea.

Use the BeforeUpdate event on the (first) form to test for the conditions.
In the logic, open the (second) form if needed.

When that form opens, you can "point back" at the first form to get (or set)
values using something like (untested):


Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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