"My Tasks" page modifications



Can the Timephased section of the "My Tasks" page be modified to show the
Work and Actual Work field for update entries similar to the "Assignment
Details" view which shows "Work", "Actual Work" and "Overtime" for each day
of the week displayed?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Darrell --

Unfortunately, no. If you install the Infrastructure Update to Project
Server 2007, users will be able to "float" their mouse pointer over a daily
cell in the timesheet grid on the My Tasks page and see a tooltip that
reveals the planned Work for the day. The system also shades the background
color to white for daily cells that have planned Work for that day, and
shades the background color to gray for days that have no planned Work.
Hope this helps.



That definately help since the seven days I am seeing may not be from the
Infrastructure Update. I see a Timephased section but it does not perform as
you say it should. I will go back and find out where this came from and make
sure the Infrastruce Update is applied. The information you say is available
is what I want the resources to be able to see.

Thx again


It is the correct Timephased section and it does perform as you say.

Many Thx... again

Dale Howard [MVP]

Darrell --

If you have only SP1 applied, the timesheet grid "shifts to the left" during
the week to display the current date in the middle position of the grid.
This was very unsettling to team members who waited until Friday to put in
their entire updates for the week, finding Friday in the middle of the grid.
After applying the Infrastructure Update, the grid no longer shifts to the
left, and displays a static list of days beginning with the first day of the
current reporting period. Confirm that this is also the behavior you see.

And you are more than welcome for the help, my friend! :)



Your timing is impeccable… as usual! While leaving a meeting just this
morning several project team member asked me when I was going to fix the
dates shifting on their tasks page! When I asked what they were referring to
they described exactly what you asked me to check. So, yes the dates are
still shifting. I will assume that this means the Infrastructure Update to
Project Server 2007 has not been implemented.

Thx again

Dale Howard [MVP]

Darrell --

Yes, you are correct. The Infrastructure Update prevents the timesheet grid
from shifting to the left during the week. It also highlights the current
date column by using thick black gridlines on the left and right sides of
the column. It is very cool. Hope this helps. And again, your are more
than welcome.

Sebastian Cordoba

Hi Dale.

In the "Assignment Details" view, I need to add the row "Baseline Work" to
the calendar shown on screen (when the reporting method is "Hours of work
done per period").

How can I do that? I desperately need to know it.

Thank you so much.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Sebastian --

I do not believe that it is possible to add the Baseline Work field as a row
in the timesheet grid on the My Timesheet page. Sorry.

Sebastian Cordoba

Thanks Dale.

But I'm wondering: why doesn't PWA include such a useful feature? I mean,
Team Members need to know the baseline work and compare it with the actual
work, so they can answer to the simple question "what I was supossed to do
today according to the initial plan?"

I was trying to modify the default views but none of them had a timephased
grid. Another approach was to create a data analysis view, in fact I did it,
but it's not as user friendly as a wanted it to be.

What else can I do to show this information in PWA?

Thank you again.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Sebastian --

I respectfully disagree with your assumption about the importance of the
Baseline schedule to team members. Isn't it more important for team members
to know what they are supposed to do in the current schedule of the project,
rather than in the Baseline schedule? The Baseline is far more relevant to
the project manager for analyzing variance. Other than this minor
disagreement, I believe you have done as much as you can to expose this
information to team members. Hope this helps.

Sebastian Cordoba

Hi Dale.

I totally get your point, but I keep thinking that it would be very helpful
to have the baseline work as a reference for Team Members.

Thank you so much!

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